Languages 15 char

I’m amazed by all the people that know more than one language. How can you keep it all in your head?
It was tough enough learning anything after I was swamped. But math and science is pretty neutral.

15 characters…

I’m amazed how you people use articles so well :cry:


I hated English class actually.

I did a little Spanish, German and Russian, 1 year each but I learned just enough to know English is ridiculous with all its exceptions and spelling.

Why do people need a second language when they are English native lol
That is what I don’t understand

I learned english in china by talking and watching disney movies. I learned french in school but I hardly remember anything because I didn’t train it. I learned spanish with friends.

Did you learn any other languages besides English in school?

In college they make you take 2 years usually. But I kept transferring around.

I guess every language is a bit silly…
But if I could choose I wouldn’t want to speak a language where even a love statement sounds like spoken by a drunk butcher.

Yes we had German too…but we had awful professor, I didn’t learn anything.

I still need to learn Japanese besides the word Ikimashou lol. This summer though ill be taking beginning 1 and 2. Its everyday of the week for 3 hours everyday. Im gonna have my work cut out for me.

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I also know Arabic letters…but can’t write anything except my name Lol.
That’s some ■■■■■■ up language for sure.

I love prog music that was sung in Italian.

One of my favorite bands is Riverside in Poland but they sing in English. I like the sounds of polish when they talk in interviews.

Another favorite is After Crying. They sing in Hungarian. But then they made an English cd too? Why bother?

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German’s ludicrous :smile_cat: I took it for a year and learned pretty much nothing.

I like other languages. I’ve studied several of them, but can’t imagine actually getting around in anything but French and Japanese, and then only with patient French or Japanese speakers.

I’ve been doing Swedish off and on on Duolingo for the last year, it’s closer to English than anything else I’ve studied. They say English is supposed to be a West Germanic language, but I think it might be more North Germanic than anything else.

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I used to do calligraphy in English back before computers by hand.
I went to an exhibition of Islamic calligraphy with an Iranian boyfriend in Washington, D.C. In like 1983 and he translated for me. I bought the exhibition catalog later at a church bazar for real cheap!

Neither of us were religious at the time. These extremists make everything difficult.

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Yeah that is an art.
They have a beautiful cultural history though…

German is not that bad…I enjoy talking in it get a few laughs talking German in a Russian accent i roll some of the sounds wrong a good friend mel she finds it so funny being she is German-Armerican so :smile:
Would like to learn Chinese

I’d like to learn Russian. I really like the sound of the language. I started learning a little of it with that Rosetta Stone software a few years back. I don’t remember much if any of it now.

Ive been thinking of advancing my French. Let’s see, i would like to be fluent

English is not my native language obviously, but i try my best.
Id like to speak german too but i doubt i ever will.