I really want to learn another language… Please share if you do!
I ehspeak español.
Besides English I also speak Italian and French
French (badly), a smattering of Klingon (even more badly), and I know a bit of Afrikaaner from having a rommate from SA for a few years.
i took high school and college courses for spanish.
hola! (insert upside-down question mark) como estas, y tienes amor para mi?
my lack of practice does show.
I also speak Jamaican.
yes, my mom’s country is so cool that I believe it speaks a different language than English.
nah, just kidding lol lol.
If you’d like to learn another language, I highly recommend an app called duolingo. There are a variety of languages you can practice.
I can mangle quite a few, but if you smile while doing it, most people forgive you.
Sadly, I only speak English. But I have an alter ego that speaks any and all languages that exist or have ever existed on earth. Unfortunately, she is not available for comment (or proof)
I tried to learn Japanese through one of those audio things. I don’t think I could talk to a native speaker but when I watch subbed anime I can still occasionally understand a word or phrase here or there.
I know English, Swedish and Finnish. Forget learning Finnish over e-mail. You need to be in Finland to learn it. Listen and learn. It’s one of the hardest languages to learn.
English, Basic German and a teensy bit of French
My first language is romanian, second is english and i am learning now spanish-beginner.
I speak Russian and Hebrew as well.
I speak English, Danish, Norwegian, and I can make myself understood in Swedish.
I speak Malay, Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese and other dialects as well) and elementary Japanese.
Schizophrenia in Malay is spelled as Skizofrenia.
Hajimemashite… Nihon-go o benkyo shimasu…(not exactly correct spelling)
I speak very bad German and fluent gobbledygook ^^
Erez, can you understand the ancient Hebrew scriptures? Are they identical to modern Hebrew?
Spanish is my mother language, English I learned it a thing of four years ago or so. I really want to improve my english, though, so I can go to USA and be a writer.
I speak Spanish. French too.
I am spanish.