Inflation is very high

Just some prices

the price of milk has increased by 5 % in one month
the price of the bag of candies has risen by 22 % in a couple of months
the price of liver casserole has increased by 24 % in a couple of months

In 2022 they justified these price increases by saying that there is the war, but now it does not make any sense. Inflation is very high here.

I drink a lot of coffee and the price of one 500g coffee pack is over 5.5 euros or more depending on the brand of coffee. I try to find some coffee sales. I did not buy this bag of candies and I chose a smaller bag which was less expensive.

How is inflation where you are?


Most of the food I used to buy went up in price. Now I buy different food. I can’t afford to eat enough calories each day.


This thread reminds me that I have to make a bulk online coffee order to save money.


It’s the supply chain, corporate executives pay, big oil inflating fuel prices and the likes. Those of us on the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder supporting those on the top of it.

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I’ve seen prices of things go down where I live, including eggs. At one point they were 50 cents an egg now down to 27

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Here one small egg is 0.25€ an egg and one large egg is 0.30€ an egg. They used to be less expensive. Prices of eggs went up in 2022.

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I made a great deal.

I ordered 3 kg of Italian coffee for 21€ including shipping. Will arrive tomorrow.

You can save a lot of money by looking for bargains. I’m penny wise.


It’s hideous. The government line is that it’s only around 7.5% year over year. My own tracking shows a 140% increase from this time last year.


Food prices expected to rise in this year, a CNN article …


No kidding.


Normally I’m one to defend capitalism. In the case of groceries I’m calling BS. There is NO WAY that grocery prices should be OUTPACING inflation by such a wide margin. Price fixing is the only possible explanation at this point.



We should never have to pay as much as we do for something that is needed to sustain our lives. It’s the old robber barons at it again.


As far as I have noticed, inflation is bad in the city that’s I’m in too.


Inflation is horrible in our country as a whole right now and its going to get worse before it gets better.

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We’ve had price fixing in Canada before so it rings hollow when the presidents of the grocery chains say that they would never do such a thing.

Uh huh. Pull the other finger.


I still remember the 70’s where interest rates were in the 20’s out here. We’ve had a pretty good run last couple of decades but economics does have it’s boom and bust moments.


Gotta pay them shareholders their dividends for their investment. The business world has to inflate the value of commodities, didn’t you know:(

Eggs were getting so expensive I was thinking of getting a few chickens.

The dogs would eat them though. Sheba really wants one of the ducks on the lake. I put up a fence so they are safe. Every now and then the other white bird. I forget what they are called. There is always two or three of them on the lake. Most of them are white but some are brown. They perch in the diving board and Dakota barks to be let out and chases them off.

Herons. That’s what they are. I think the other ones are called blue herons.

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I watched some YouTube videos. Inflation is really a problem everywhere in the world. Many people have to go to the food banks because the prices of food are so high. In some cases people can not buy new clothes because food must be bought. In some countries inflation is really high, f.ex. in Argentina 94%.

Where I live people have to choose between things like a vehicle to get to work, food, heat and water, or rent.

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