Coffee inflation

Coffee prices are going up. I have consumed one brand of coffee and the price was 4.3 euros before a special sale and then during this sale it was three 500g packs for eight euros. Today I checked the price and it was 4.99 euros per one 500g coffee pack.


This increase in coffee prices is caused by climate change issues in Brazil and elsewhere. Of course, we have learned about Glasgow’s environmental meeting in the news where the world leaders were negotiating how to improve the environment in the future.


Yes we have to leave the problem to the scientists and politicians in charge who caused it. We done our share making bargains. It’s out of my control as far I am concerned, I only have to do the easy part (COPING).

I think everything is going up. It’s ridiculous.

I’m about to work at a Starbucks where I’ll get free coffee


A can of Folgers cost me about 8 US dollars the other day. That’s crazy! I don’t drink a lot of hot coffee though. Love me some iced coffee. :yum:

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Can of coke is just a $2 coin. Bananas $3 a kilo. Tabbacco $120 for 50gramms. A six-pack of beer $15.


@anon53623539 Those are high prices. Here is one good coffee YouTube video.

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Coffee is still relatively cheap. I pay 0.10€ For a cup of homemade. Cigarettes on the other hand are very expensive. Glad I quit.

One 20 cigarette pack is 8.7 euros here. I do not smoke, but still people are buying tobacco. They are saying that tobacco prices are going up. Milk is inexpensive here, just one litre of milk for 0.7 euros.

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There was a special coffee sale today and one 500 g coffee pack was 3.75 euros. I got three packs. The sale ends in a few days. Then the price of one pack is expected to be over 4.5 euros. Inflation is rising as it was reported today.

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Coffee prices have increased by 93% in one year since Nov 2020. Here is a chart.

Meh. 30 cents increase in price. Also, with the new Starbucks Rewards Points system, I’ll say it’s fair.

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