I took 1mg of klonopin and 1 mg of ativan, is it a lot?

I wont do it often, but I had a terrible day and I have one task outside in a week, while I worry…
Did you do “bad” things like this? Is it a lot what I took today, did you took more than this?
I hope the things here will get better, so I can be calmer :pensive:


I don’t think it’s a good idea to mix different benzos together.
You really should just talk to your doctor when you are feeling bad.


Did your Dr tell you to take both 1mg at the same time? Benzos are addictive.


I’m sorry your having such a rough time @Anna1

I am feeling bad all the time, wave… I cant stand on my feet sometimes by fear… I’ve trusted the docs for ten years and they never helped my fears or my thinking… they didnt move me on an inch in my life… I suffer as hell…
My ex pdoc was allowing me benzos, yeap but not so much the new one… I decided to dope myself for once, sorry…

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I take 1mg of Klonopin a day. It is not a lot, but I wouldn’t mix meds like others have said. :eagle::eagle::eagle:

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Ok, I wont mix them anymore , I’ll listen you on this…
I was prescribed klonopin before, but lately my conversion disorder makes me feel like I am dying…
I wonder if the zyprexa causes paranoia and anxiety too, your opinion?


No it doesnt, its the sz.

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Ok, good to know this… we were wondering on this with my mother… she asks herself if the zyprexa makes me more paranoid… I am very worried person because of my sz :cry: lately, I am even scared that I’ll die cause I am affected even physically from this mi and I lived in isolation for 20 years. Idk if the inactivity can kill me now…

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I am dying from obesity and inactivity due to severe negative symptoms :frowning:

If you block the dopamine with this heavy zyprexa, doesnt this cause fear,aziz? You are sure that my fears are my sz only??
Its typical for sz to be so anxious, even scared to die??

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I gained 160lb since being on meds :slightly_frowning_face:

Blocking dopamine is supposed to stop fear and paranoia but if its not for you it means that meds aren’t working and its the sz. Anxiety is common in schizophrenics.


Stop saying this aziz. You are not dying, you even dont smoke. I think that our bodies have more strength that we can believe… my worry is my cigarettes, no I cant stop them… your body is stronger than you believe!!! Try to push a bit, I am sure its possible even for you… ok, I wont push you more, but at least we have each other. Me, it’s my paranoia who stops me too…


I hope so but I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, taking meds for these and I am just 30. My mother told me that I might die soon in my sleep from a heart attack due to obesity and inactivity, my bmi is 43, its very obese.

Ok, I have my fear of dying lately too. I didnt move for 20 years either aziz!!! I regret it as hell, but try to live with paranoia… I dont want to die now, while I have now even insomnia from my cigarettes… the negative symptoms are not so dangerous as the positives and they can be beaten. Try, baby steps. I hope you’ll try, yeap… me too… but well ok, we are in a risk now I know :pensive: me, I had both - paranoia and negatives… pure hell… anyway, let’s pray and the age is on your side, you are strong I believe.


And aziz, one more question if you could help… I feel sometimes like some kind of “windy” state inside my body… Some kind of air current inside all of my body till my head… if you can imagine what is this…
It’s not the zyprexa either, but my illness??
I call them physical sensations, I wonder if this is a physical hallucinations from my paranoid mind who cant think well either… for long, my thinking was hooked only on some s*** so that’s why I have physical symptoms now i guess… my thinking was dead for the every day life, i was only in despair and worries… so i have cognitive deficits yeap…

I don’t know, maybe its your conversion disoeder?
Better ask your psychiatrist.

Yeah, I thought of this too… theres no proper treatment for conversion disorder… maybe only a psychotherapy and occupational therapy, but I am sz too so it’s more complicated…

43 BMI is no joke you gotta get fit dude even if you don’t feel like it.

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