I used to take like 6 mg Ativan a day and then I ran out they wouldn’t fill it and I had a seizure when I was riding the bus. Benzos suck and they stop working after a while too.
I took 6mg even though I was only prescribed three mg
I know its dangerous … But my ap doesnt kill my fears, i tried 11 aps for the time of ten years… But i know, i know, i start to go in something risky… I’ll try to do without them after my obligation this 27th of january, which involves going out etc…
I dont understand why the zyprexa doesnt lower my anxiety and my paranoia…
I had conversion disorder, like seizures. When I realized that’s what it was, I was delighted and worked hard to overcome them.
That’s what I suggest. Get with your therapist AND psychiatrist, pronto. Only YOU can fix it, with help.
Good luck!
PS get off multiple benzos… won’t end up nicely
I never heard of meds, are they aps?
They’re sedatives, benzodiazepines.
They’re generally for anxiety.
I wouldn’t worry about it if it is just one time. I was on 0.5mg/daily clonazepam and 1mg/daily lorazepam at the same time for over a month. Nothing bad happened, but maybe I am lucky.
Well depends on how often you are taking that much. If it’s once a week or a couple times a month is it going to do much harm? No. If its multiple times a day every day yeah thats bad.
Regardless it is generally not advisable to toy around with meds without doctor supervision. It can be very dangerous.
But yes once in a blue moon I will experience a really rough time and take one extra benzo. Like my dose is 1 mg so one more would be 2 mg. I think I’ve only ever done that like 2 or 3 times though.
Ativan is really strong. Be careful.
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