I hear voices all day

Continuing the discussion from Hearing voices is so much bs:

my voices don’t really say much any more just a bunch of half words and bs I can’t make out. Then the occasional your suicide awaits you. They used to say all kinds of ■■■■. I’m on respiridone 8 mg no help with the voices.

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i’m not sure if the rispiridone isn’t helping bryan as your voices have gone from full blown persecutory to half words and stuff you can’t make out and that’s definitely progress right? who knows, maybe i’m wrong but half words definitely sounds better than full persecutory interactive dialogue? xx

i’m on 5mg abilify. just started that tonight. no change as yet but even if there were i wouldn’t put it down to meds as my voices generally have quiet periods and busy periods. i have never found a med that takes them away to be honest and doubt i ever will. :frowning:

Do you know if anti-anxiety meds (as clonazepam) help to control voices?

not that i’ve found with mine, no. sorry. wish i could be more helpful. xx

There are voices that are songs that keep repeating in my mind.

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that would be a darn sight easier than the persecution i suffer from tbh. xx

I avoid listening to songs because it keep repeating in my mind.

i avoid them because of the triggers in them. they trigger my voices to talk about certain topics so i’ve stopped listening to the radio or watching music videos…which is a shame as i used to love music.

I do not watch TV too because I have delusions of reference.

i wish mine were dekusions of reference but they’re not. it’s not every programme or music video, just certain ones so i just don’t watch anymore at all. haven’t done for years.

I don’t hear any voices right now, when I think or check to see if they are there it just feels like a void in my head it’s kind of an eerie feeling. But used to hear them 24/7 for about 6 months a while back.

The last time I talked to them they told me to shut up and that they were discussing something.
And the topics would be around religion, power, space, and science theories,


I don’t know if my anti-anxiety meds help with voices… but when I’m not panicked and I’m feeling more relaxed, it is easier to ignore them and for me… my voices have been really benign for a while.

they get loud when I’m stressed or panicked. They fade into almost nothing lately when I’m relaxed and well rested. That is an odd feeling to have a quiet head. But little by little I’ve been trying not to let that bother me.

What helped me overcome was just accepting the concept of telepathy.

Accidentally taking in too much noise from others. If others have the same problem they are going to be emitting too loudly and there’s sure to be some frustration and associating the glitch to religion involved.

I get glimpses of people meditating, praying or talking in church. I’m not God (but for that same reason many have mistaken themselves for being God) - it’s just that when in that same meditative state we are more prone to accidentally picking up too much noise.

Getting stoned can make you contiguous or if you have sleep disorders where you go around half asleep a lot.
But it’s also this connection that we learn from each other with so I think it intentional like kids in a class…we’re only meant to pick up general ideas however and the not the others persons exact words thinking about the big steamy poop they just had…

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against small, spaced out, hits of refer two or three times a day (only) and meditation can be very helpful…it just has to be done in responsible moderation.

For the anxiety doesn’t seem much of a pill. Seroxat helps me I also walk a lot and do relaxation and breathing it is a struggle every day
Sometimes I just think with my problem and problems of those dear to me I just think life’s a bitch