I Have a Question

Is it possible that I indeed have become some sort of ‘spectacle’, but the rest of the Media can’t touch me because I am mentally ill and if I become exposed I may take my own life?

Is this a possibility?

I don’t understand the question but I used to think I got messages from the TV, the radio and even from visiting some websites. That is part of the illness. No one is sending you messages.

If you are seriously contemplating suicide you need to go to the ER and get help right away. You sound like you are not well.


The kind of “popularity” you’re getting doesn’t translate over to real life. You’re not in danger of being “exposed” at all.

Just stay alive, though.


I just can’t help but think I am standing alone in the eye of a hurricane.

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You need good treatment. I’d recommend a depot shot of Invega or something similar.

Would help to eat well too, try to avoid junk food and soda.


@PatrickT You sound suicidal.
Please go to the Hospital.


I’ve had the sensation of my life being the centre of attention for the world population, and it went away with good treatment, a decent diet, and time, gradually.


The media is not sending you messages. I used to have this delusion, too. I had tons of “evidence” proving my case. But it was all nonsense. Is your brother still there with you?


Yes. He’s staying with me for a few days.

I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel I have a destination to fulfill, but I’m not entirely sure what it is.

And if I do pursue this direction…if it’s all just a delusion, it could hurt a lot of people.

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I strongly recommend you chill out until treatment kicks in and you get a better grasp of reality, one that doesn’t involve secret messages from the TV or grandiose delusions.

You’re in danger of having a serious psychotic meltdown in this state if you stress yourself out too much.


It is just a delusion, and pursuing it would hurt a lot of people who really care about you. Listen to the side of yourself that remembers you just have an illness. You’re sick, and rest and proper meds will make you feel better.

Maybe nobody has said this to you yet, but you haven’t let anyone down. Everyone knows you’re trying your very hardest to fight these delusions off and get better. Your family understands this is part of having schizophrenia. Everyone is rooting for you to keep fighting for stability.


Oh my goodness patrick please get help. You’re not making any sense and you’ve been making so many concerning posts lately :disappointed:

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You’re schizophrenic which means you get delusional sometimes. Now is one of those times. To answer your question it is possible, but extremely, EXTREMELY not probable. If you’re suicidal go to the ER or try to get in your local hospital psyche ward.


For the record,

I do not think I’m Jesus Christ. And I have no intention of harming myself. I just half believe that I have become a large ‘spectacle’…with half the World wishing i was dead, and the rest kind of liking me a bit.

I like you Patrick, I laugh at your jokes/humour :slight_smile:

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99.999999999 % of the world does not even know you exist.


I want to take my own life I am currently struggling with schizophrenia

Go to Emergency or call a Crisis Line , my friend!


I’m sorry. Have you told your doctor how you’re feeling? That is very serious, and you shouldn’t be suffering alone.


I am suffering so much, it sucks