I got 9 hours sleep using Promethazine!

Why didn’t she prescribe it?

I’ve tried gabapentin, up to 600mg, didn’t work at all.

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Awe, rats
I’m screwed 🥲🤔 she doesn’t prescribe anything - I’m not sure I just go to a clinic. Sucks
Best wishes @Headspark @Joker

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I know someone who uses promethzine for their psychotic episodes becuase they are so distressing for them that they feel like they are going to die of a heart attack :frowning:
glad it is helping you too!!

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You might be ok with that @anon9063695

Different meds work for different people

There would be no guarantee this would work for you

I think Promethazine is an over the counter med anyways, so if you really wanted to try it, I think you can buy from a pharmacy without a prescription

It’s used as an anti-allergy drug mainly.

Might be worth a try to see if it works, then you could get back to your pdoc about it

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@anon9063695 Did you try gabapentin, did it work?

I took 300 pdocs orders tonight I will be trying 6 because it failed. My check engine :steam_locomotive: light is on from sleep deprivation. Also voices tortured me all night :bridge_at_night: so still enjoying the day somewhat with this super meth/crack vraylar at 3mg. Might need a med change. Much respect @Headspark @Joker

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Really hope you find a solution soon @anon9063695

It can be incredibly frustrating how long it takes for these things to get sorted out

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Yeah, my doctor prescribed me Promethazine a week ago! and the pharmacy still hasn’t gotten it in stock.

Can you not go to another pharmacy company?

Don’t have sleep problems at the minute thankfully. Used to wake up in the middle of the night for a while then broken sleep but that hasn’t happened in a few months. I credit exercise to the above hasn’t happened

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Yeah, I suppose I could, but I’d like to to keep all my prescriptions at the same place. It’s been a week so they should have it in soon I would think. The pharmacist told me she ordered it last Friday.

Pharmacy contacted me, just picked up my prescription. I’m to start with 25mg tonight and if that doesn’t work to try 50mg. So the next few days will be experiment time, I hope I don’t have any side effects and that it works.

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Actually, I don’t think I am going to try it tonight. I recently got a job and have job training tomorrow. If promethazine sedates me too much or I have some side effects I might not function properly tomorrow. I don’t have any more training until next Wednesday so I’ll start promethazine tomorrow night.


Good luck @Headspark !!!


Thanks @Joker I’m gonna try it tonight and we’ll see what happens, I’ll report back tomorrow or the next day.

@anon9063695 Did you try the 600mg, any luck?

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@Headspark yah I woke up n Im not even sure but I think I slept for a few it was 3:45 so I’m happy. Have a good night’s rest tonight. Hope u :zzz:

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Well I have some disappointing news to report. 2 nights ago I tried 25mg of Promethazine, waited 2 hours but didn’t fall to sleep, so I took another 25mg, still didn’t fall to sleep. Last night I took 75mg, didn’t fall to sleep at that dose either, it’s like it had no effect on me at all, I wasn’t even drowsy.

I don’t understand why it didn’t work, the 2 other antihistamines I’ve tried (Benadryl and Doxylamine) did put me to sleep for a few hours. I was hoping Promethazine would be longer lasting, oh well, I guess I’m back to square one, I’ll have to try something else. It was worth a shot.

My doctor mentioned a new drug called Dayvigo, I think I am going to try that.

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Sorry it didn’t work for you @Headspark

Hope you find a solution soon