I feel useless as I can't work

I have this, too. I start thinking that my dad hates me. That happened for a bit today, so I just texted him and asked him.


Is this line of thought helping you?


Then stop.

And do something else.



That’s what I use therapy for. There are things I simply can’t do now that I could do when I was younger. My heart has been deteriorating as I age (among other things). I can’t hike the hills now that I could when I was younger. However, there are things I’ve never done before that I can still try. I had fun doing some light kayaking this summer and got over my fear of water. My heart is good enough to let me play Beat Saber and that’s a blast. I enjoy doing photography and running my radio station. And while I’m not crazy about what I do for a living (insurance - meh) I take pride in providing good service to our customers.

You have a lot of years ahead of you and all kind of things you can try your hand at. So many opportunities.


You run a radio station? Cool.

I run an online, hobbyist station. Fully licensed, no commercials.


If you listen to it long enough you’ll discover that I have a fairly tawdry sense of humour.



I will definitely give that a listen!!

Update: I’m checking it out right now…


I personally think they are…

the level of discipline and motivation are in proportion to one another

This is from my personal experience

For example

When I was on a higher medication dose,

My motivation was lower and so was my discipline. Not saying I had no discipline to do things but it was much less demanding things.

Now that I’m recovering, I think, my motivation is higher and so is my discipline as I have more motivation to be more disciplined.


Discipline requires effort

Effort requires energy.

Motivation seems to give rise to a spring of energy

Therefore the higher the motivation, the higher the energy available that propels discipline

In my experience



Maybe try to just lower your expectation of what you want out of life if you really think it won’t change and just be accepting of it. Somehow…

Or try and learn to find satisfaction from something new

There must be something in your mind that you like.

I stopped believing in heaven atm cos it stops, me living my life to the full.

I mean when I’m about to die idk what I’ll be thinking but whilst I’m alive I decided not to believe in afterlife.

I only live once!

I gotta try and try and try until something clicks for me in terms of my lifestyle activities and such.

Sometimes we don’t know we like something until we try it.


In my experience simultaneously enhancing dopaminergic neurotransmission with a reuptake inhibitor like methylphenidate, and antagonising adenosine with a receptor blocker like caffeine, results in the highest levels of motivation and energy. The caffeine does, however, seem to make you very distractible, so it doesn’t help with self-discipline.


Aziz why not try a work from home job? Like a tech support chat job… since you’re good with computers.


@aziz what is work? We are raised and programmed to work for employers in a exploitative relationship. We are supposed to front a ton of “stuff” take complaints from consumers, take pressure from boses, respond to electronics, follow the “employee hand book”, compete against my fellow employees … for what a fracking paycheck, so I can buy more ■■■■ to fill my void and self medicate in loneliness?

To me working means that I care about people and want to help them. If I see someone in need, I help them. I don’t poison or propagandize them into some cult or into buying something to stuff in the void. I spent 35 years in poisonous environments to the point of burn out and exhaustion, to spend my final days dealing with the damage from k-12, college, and the work place … hustling harm thinking I was doing good.

Sometimes, I get in my car and look for people on the side of the road begging for “change”, give em a ride, give a few dollars, make their life easier. I am a moments notice from the cold, rain, bushes, starving and going through withdrawal from these wonderful “medications”.

If I ever forget to be charitable, at the very least in my thoughts, I am not working.

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Some say our purpose here is to become self actualized,enlightened,awakened, higher consciousness etc. You don’t need a job

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Not being able to do something right now is not the same thing as not being able to do something ever. Important to keep in mind. Also, even if you try now and fail, what you learn will help you later so it’s still progress.


Lack of motivation is one of the most treatment resistant features of schizophrenia.

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