I don't really have friends anymore

I have just 2 to 3 people now who i never see who i might text now and then. I never see them because since starting med’s i don’t like to go out and mix with people. Med’s are really dragging me down they make me so depressed at times, well a lot of the time :disappointed:

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For what it’s worth, you’re not alone. I have had this happen to me as well. I am hoping a med change will sort it. Perhaps you might be able to try a new med?

Have you talked to your doctor and therapist about this? They can help. Read these past discussions:

What if you “force” yourself to see people? I do that or I’d be totally isolated. I do that twice a week. It gets better and better, easier to meet other people. Maybe start by your friends come and visit you and later you go visit them in their homes. When that is no problem take the next step, go out to a coffee shop or something.

I have to be social. I joined the scouts. Just to force myself to get out and see other people. And we get to do fun stuff, like sleeping below naked sky.

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Same here, lost contact with all my friends when i got sick

42 and single
Moved towns when young with parents
Lived in this town 15 years most of the time struggling with schiz make it really hard to get friends
I am bit better now and I have a lot on like college, walking, mindfulness group, go out with mum, go on coach trips so getting out round people has to be your goal when u feel more well


My doctor is concerned about me isolating myself. He has advised that I go out more. Apparently there is a local group of musicians that meet up and jam. Am working up to going to that.


I do not have many friends either, I am quite friendly with people though, I like my solitude. Hey you are there on the forum. Everybody living in different lives with the same illness. We are not alone.

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I have 2 friends left after I got ill. And the old lady in my building. So that’s 3. But all three are older than me. They are 58, 65, 86 years old. I’ll be 38 in a couple of months. Maybe they were self confident enough to accept me as I am without getting terrified over an illness that MAYBE is catching. It’s not catching but people act like it. I lost all my friends in my own age.

Where I was at your age, 10 years ago in 2005, here in my little town. I have lost some good friends during this time, one of my childhood friends died at the age of 37 nine years ago, many others are gone away too. But I and my father live, many of my father’s friends have died too, one very religious man almost exactly seven years ago. There are many people I know and to whom I say hello when I see them, they have been in this town all of their lives such as one very well locally known lawyer. I am quite friendly with people and say hello to them.


I have old friends from university but I only keep in contact with them on Facebook. I live in a little village. My sister lives round the corner and my parents live down the street. In addition the village is small enough that people recognise me and say hello. This is nice. I get on with my neighbours which helps a lot.

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I just got a refill of Celexa. I’m not sure if I should take it. It was just sitting in the pharmacy because I had not been able to get ahold of my doctor and was afraid to start a new medication, but I’m debating whether or not to start it.

It takes a bit of time… For a while I didn’t have any friends either. My social interaction was all my sister and my parents. But little by little… after a big med change I started feeling better and getting the energy to get out and about more.

that is when things started getting a little better for me. I’m not a social butterfly by any means. I have three good friends now.

I just try to be friendly to people.

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Sometimes when I’m busier I forget that I have no friends to go out with then at the end of the day or when weekend comes it hits me in the face

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My son is isolating right now, but like you, he was very easy-going. I noticed that he started talking to people when he was at the store standing in line, or at the laundry.
Just small talk with strangers. Sometimes this helps.


That’s kind of how I feel. I’ve got family though. I have friends but we’ve got nothing to talk about any more. Whatever though. ■■■■ em.

happiness doesn’t mean you have to have friends I pretty happy in my life and I have little to no friends your old friends perhaps not on the same frequency as you are now but don’t let that bother you maybe its time for new friends.

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On one of the days in which you are less depressed than usual, try starting a hobby. If you have similar interests with certain people then it will be easier for you to make friends. It’s also likely that having something positive to focus on will help with your depression.

I have no friends myself. Ive gotten used to it by now. But a tip for you of you want social contact with like minded mentally ill people would be to join a mental health club. These are place where activities such as creative writing art and health manangemnt go on. Theyre good places. You should ask your pdoc about them.

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I think that we all must have friends somewhere but like our better halves we just have not met them yet, but just believing they are out there helps me to keep a positive outlook on life. And hey, if not this lifetime well maybe the next.

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