How do you deal with relatives, family, you can't get along with

Deep down I love my sister, but ‎only because she is family. She is probably borderline, lot’s of emotions, conflicts, black and white thinking, and I am not strong enough. I don’t want to see her except from family gatherings.

I guess the best option is to let it fade away gently, and if she asks, tell her we are very different.

Im angry at her now, and feel the need to tell her, but i don’t want to hurt her.

I can’t tell it to the rest of my big family without making drama, so im venting it here.


My sister is abusive & manipulative. I stopped talking to her in May. I never want to see or talk to her again. She’s extremely toxic.

I hope you can figure things out with your sister or make boundaries or something. Good luck with everything. :relaxed:


In my family if you don’t like someone you just don’t talk to the for 30 years. There’s so many people not talking to other people it’s like the whole family is split apart. It’s sad.


I don’t talk to my father or my sister. I am unimpressed by them, as their mistreatment of me and other people reveals their low character.

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I just ignore half of what my stepdad says. Kind of a smile and nod thing. Especially when he goes on about right wing conspiracy theories.

It never registers with him that a schizophrenic believes in these theories less than he does.

Unfortunately my brother, who recently started showing symptoms, is living with him now. Hopefully he doesn’t get too convinced about certain conspiracy theories because they might not mix well with his voices and his tendency to obey them sometimes.


I don’t get along with my sister so she and I avoid one another.


I’m usually the family member others don’t like.
My family’s way of dealing with it ranges from polite smalltalk (but nothing else), to outright ignoring or muting me, to passive-agressive remarks.

It hurts.
I’m trying really hard to be a better person than I was, but I don’t feel I am given a chance to show I’ve improved.


Sorry to hear. The problem about family is that you can’t just ignore them, they are a part of you, even if you don’t want them to be, or they hurt you.

Family is a vulnerable situation.


You can cut off contact with them, if you want, can’t you?

What do you mean by “they are a part of you, even if you don’t want them to be, or they hurt you”?


I learned very early that blood relations matter little.

My sister was meaner than hell to me when young and she is still a mouthy person. I tried to be the good brother and patch things up but after years of trying I have given up. I realized I have better things to do with my time and life.

I have cousins I don’t talk to for the same reasons as my sister. One cousin pretended to be a girl I knew ask me out as a young teen. Well, needless to say I heard laughing so that ended that. My cousin who lives a stone throw away who I went to visit once comes to the door and said she was leaving in six hours but I took the hint. Well, that was a year ago and haven’t been back to her house since.

My former police officer uncle preceded to bully my dad and me by text bc we were on SSDI and called us leeches. Dad deleted the messages my uncle was speaking of me. I blocked that uncle on FB and think nothing of him.

I can forgive but I will never forget and our family are the one’s who treat us with love and respect irrespective of bloodlines.



block em and forget they exist. toxic people love to stick around in others heads. but as long as they dont live with you you can do those things are theres nothing they can do


Perhaps it was clumsy written @vangoghs but I mean I will miss something of myself if I just cut my sister off even though she is getting on my nerves.

We have for better and worse a very tight band in my family.

It’s your uncle who sounds like a leech to me @ThePickinSkunk - of course you blocked him. Being on ssdi is rarely a choice. There is often a reason to why people are on benefits.


I just don’t talk to them. :woman_shrugging: I don’t want to cause trouble. Most of the time I think it’s my fault.


I only have two Family members, i would be nobody without them.


I might be sensitive and ineffective with a difficult person. We have weekly problems. One problem is I don’t know when to forgive. He won’t deal with me. But he is “close.”
It’s love and hate. I am struggling.

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I tend to avoid all my family.


I find it so hard to get along with my mum only because of psychosis. Every time she starts over worrying and complaining. I feel my fear of relapse strengthening. Because it brings back the worst memories of her in my head.

She doesn’t stop doing it.

I told her about the psychotic experience

It really affects me that she does not seem to care

Or idk what the reason is.

She says no mum is perfect :roll_eyes:

She uses that as an excuse to continue triggering me

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i avoid family or most family because they think they are superior to me and believe in some hierarchy where i am the lowest and they are better than me.

my sister might be worst.
she does not love me and supresses me and seems jealous of me that if something good happens to me she thinks i do not deserve it.
she is so “im better than you” mode and it makes me uncomfortable and i think the way she treats me is unacceptable.

she does not say anything nasty straight out but does it psychologically.

i feel bad around most family except my former step mum genuinly loves me and wishes me well.

my mum and dad i have a complicated relationship with.
i love them unconditionally but they did not love me much and always put sex first and i know there are others i am much closer to in life who wish me better and love me more. much much more.cant be compared how much more they love me than my own parents although they may not be my real parents.

soul family.
i may have a soul family.

my x and his dogs are my family forever.

i avoid family but less than i used to.

now that i am more mentally stable i can endure being around them better than i could but i do not want to put myself through that.

they do not see me in a very loving light.

its all “im better than her” “im superior her” and it is really ugly.
lots of people in society prance around like that at me and it is not ok.

my former step mum genuinely loves me and truly wishes me well and she means the world to me but i do not know what i would do without her.

if she died before me what would i do.
noone would call me anymore.
who would love me.

where would i live .

would i lose all contact with family because i feel uncomfortable around them?

i might isolate more than now and not want to meet anyone because i feel bad vibes from most of them.

my answer is AVOID !

family get togethers i may attend such as christmas i can feel uncomfortable but still can sometimes enjoy it a little and enjoy company of some of them even.

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:musical_note:Boil em mash them put em in a stew


I just cut them out of my life. Don’t have time for their nonsense.

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