i avoid family or most family because they think they are superior to me and believe in some hierarchy where i am the lowest and they are better than me.
my sister might be worst.
she does not love me and supresses me and seems jealous of me that if something good happens to me she thinks i do not deserve it.
she is so “im better than you” mode and it makes me uncomfortable and i think the way she treats me is unacceptable.
she does not say anything nasty straight out but does it psychologically.
i feel bad around most family except my former step mum genuinly loves me and wishes me well.
my mum and dad i have a complicated relationship with.
i love them unconditionally but they did not love me much and always put sex first and i know there are others i am much closer to in life who wish me better and love me more. much much more.cant be compared how much more they love me than my own parents although they may not be my real parents.
soul family.
i may have a soul family.
my x and his dogs are my family forever.
i avoid family but less than i used to.
now that i am more mentally stable i can endure being around them better than i could but i do not want to put myself through that.
they do not see me in a very loving light.
its all “im better than her” “im superior her” and it is really ugly.
lots of people in society prance around like that at me and it is not ok.
my former step mum genuinely loves me and truly wishes me well and she means the world to me but i do not know what i would do without her.
if she died before me what would i do.
noone would call me anymore.
who would love me.
where would i live .
would i lose all contact with family because i feel uncomfortable around them?
i might isolate more than now and not want to meet anyone because i feel bad vibes from most of them.
my answer is AVOID !
family get togethers i may attend such as christmas i can feel uncomfortable but still can sometimes enjoy it a little and enjoy company of some of them even.