My sister is not talking to me

Another sister of me told me that my sister and her husband has stopped talking to her for many years. We are largely transparent.

My sister was always late for an hour and often complains and reprimand my mother when she showed up. Tonight my eldest sister requested that we meet them separately for family dinner. I feel uncertain. She made everybody feels angry and uncomfortable. I often think I want to meet them more often but what if they make you feel difficult. My eldest choose to not seeing them. Their attitude is really harsh. I don’t know what life would become when I lost more of my family members. I feel unrest.

This sounds very much like the sister’s problem and not yours. it also sounds like the other sister is talking to you. I do hope you feel better and don’t let this mean sister upset you.

It’s very hard… letting go of family… But sometimes you have to let a family member go. I’m going through that as well. As some family members and I are reconnecting… I have one younger brother who is not only cutting all ties with me… but cutting ties with all of us.

So I have to just let go.

I hope you and the sister who is talking to you can keep the relationship close. I sounds like the other sister who ignores you… is ignoring everyone. That is her problem… not yours.

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