Has anyone stopped talking to any members of there immediate family permanently?

I haven’t talked to my sister or my dad in months. I kinda wanna keep it that way. I wish the lack of contact stopped the rumination’s but I still can’t stop thinking about them. I think I’m gonna start working again soon so hopefully occupying my time stops the obsessing.


I no longer talk to my niece. When i flew down to Florida one year, she refused to drive up to visit her “crazy aunt”. That really hurt my feelings. I also have issues with the disrespect she shows her grandparents and mother. She’s 24 and thinks she knows everything, and she has a very sharp tongue when people disagree with her. I’ll talk to her when she actually becomes an adult.


Me and my nephews just grew apart and now have almost zero contact. I lived with both of them for three years in my 30’s and was kinda close to them but over the years our lives went separate ways and I can go a couple of years at a time without talking to them. Last time I talked to either of them was 3 or 4 years ago. I only occasionally talk to my stepmom on the phone and exchange emails with my stepdad about twice a year. For years I was talking to my stepdad and my mom every week and visiting them once a week and calling my stepmom once a week.

The only contact I have with a family member is my sister and I only see her about once every two weeks. I talk to my sister in Mexico about once every two or three months.

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I cut my brother out of my life when I was 20, and I’m 45 now. Fck that guy, sick piece of :poop:. I used to occasionally have to see him at family gatherings, but with both of our parents deceased as of eleven years ago I have had zero contact with him since 2013. As far as I’m concerned I don’t have a brother.


I don’t want anything to do with my dad. For plenty of reasons.


Not so much my immediate family but I have a first cousin that burned more bridges than other people built for him so I cut him off. Matters how people treat each other and blood ties mean very little to me.

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yes, my aunt Paula…I was delusional years ago and made her mad and she has never reached out again…sad really…I love my aunt Paula and she’s almost gone now. sad

I don’t talk to my Dad out of pure choice and my life is a lot better without him. Haven’t talked to him in 3 years.
My older sister has always been off with me even when we were very young. I would go out of my way to try and talk to her and she would tease/insult me (even when she was a young adult). Used to upset me but doesn’t anymore. My younger brother I really don’t like/get on with and we don’t talk at all. He’s very aggressive, entitled and just not very nice.
Sometimes I get a bit down about my siblings but I remember that we don’t get on and that I’m not really missing much from not having them in my life.