Healthy Meal Ideas

Hi all,

So I just made a grocery run and bought super-unhealthy food.

Like, I just dipped a deep-fried tortilla chip in mayo-ladden pasta salad.

Need to start making better choices.

Thinking of starting low-carb again and cutting out those starches…

My pants are defos tighter since quarantine began back in March :grimacing:

What are some healthy meals you guys like to make/eat?


I’m on a strict diet of beans and veggies and wheat in an attempt to lose weight and get healthy…
Wheat (shredded wheat and total cereals)
Green beans
Frozen veggies
String cheese for snacks
Canned fruit

All is really good for you and can be bought for a dollar a piece at dollar store :slightly_smiling_face:


Frozen veggies are so convenient and tasty.

And you can never go wrong with fish or string cheese.

Cool that they have all those healthy-sounding options available at the Dollar Store.


If you are by a health store I really recommend buckwheat and millet. I know you said low carb… I’m thinking of something similar but I still want carb in small portions, idk about you

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Oh I just read you will cut them out.

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I love making a tasty tomato salad.
You take baby spinach leaves, tomatoes, and slice some mozzarella.
Then, lay spinach leaves in the bottom of the bowl, put tomato slices on top of that, then mozzarella, then back to spinach and keep layering until you run out of ingredients.
If I want to make it extra tasty I finely dice some red onions and throw on top along with some vinegar dressing.

There’s also a simple salmon meal I enjoy.
You need spinach leaves, thick salmon filet slices, and red pesto.
Put the leaves in the bottom of a pan, lay the salmon on it, and slather the salmon in red pesto.
Put in oven at 200C for 20 minutes, I swear to god, it’s gonna be the juiciest fish meal you’ve ever had.


Heard good things about both for those that still want to keep carbs in rotation.

I just find I do better on a high protein, low-carb diet.

One thing’s for sure: gotta start getting serious with the diet!

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I know the feeling!

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Wowowowww that tomato salad and salmon sound amazing!

Probably goes really well together, aaaaand relatively low-carb to boot!

Will definitely give them a try :slightly_smiling_face:

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Don’t forget to cut fats, they have the most calories. Fat 9 calories/g, carbs 4/g and protein 4/g. Protein in reality is even less than 4 because its harder to digest than fat and carbs, the body uses more energy (calories) to digest protein.


I was 135lb with a high protein low fat low carb diet.


Protein digestion and metabolism burns more calories. Simply eating protein increases caloric expenditure. Higher-protein diets help shed pounds because protein digestion and metabolism are energetically expensive processes. Both dietary carbohydrate and protein provide the same amount of available energy, 4 kilocalories per gram, but it takes about 25% more of that energy to process protein.”


Chicken chili in the crock pot is one, it’s has very little fat and it’s high in fiber and protein and it’s super easy, if you want to know how to make it let me know and I’ll give you the recipe. Oh and by the way it’s delicious.


Yes that’s excellent :ok_hand:, fibers are a plus to make us feel full, lower cholesterol and prevent diabetes.

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I made black bean chili today


Mexican quinoa casserole, tuna casserole, baked chicken with veggies…


Cutting fats is the plan! Was doing keto before and I was maintaining my weight but not losing since my fat intake was kinda up there.

Planning on going for baked chicken breast and broccoli for meals… Not looking forward to it but my pants are too tight now :grimacing: Gotta do something!

How’s the fiber been treating you, @Aziz? Would you recommend it for weight loss?

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Oooooh chicken chili, that sounds like it’d be delicious @Leaf-- especially once it starts getting colder up here in New England.

Would love to know what you put in it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Checked out the recipe, @Loke-- seems pretty hearty and healthy :slightly_smiling_face:

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All good suggestions, thanks @LilyoftheValley!

You’ve definitely had some successes with weight loss lately from your recent posts-- awesome stuff!

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