Can’t describe how much I want to eat bread!
You can eat like two pieces of rye bread, it has the least carbs and gives you fiber.
Is not just bread - is everything starchy. Also am as constipated as hell. Balanced diet for me.
Yeah that happened to me too. I recommend myfitnesspal, I already lost three kilos in 22 days.
@everhopeful what diet are you on? Am I right in thinking you are seeing a dietitian?
Calorie controlled diet. No meal plans,just eat what I want. @Minnii is right about myfitnesspal. Do you have a smart phone. You’ll need a calorie counting app.
If you use myfitnesspal it has basically everything on the database, I don’t use a calorie counting app, I don’t have a need for it really. Basically I’ve been weighting the grams, and using the database on my fitness pal.
Yeah have an iPhone. Is myfitnesspal an app?
Yes, it’s an app.
No, it’s a site, doesn’t have an app on its own. Has apps associated
It does have an app of its own!
Oh my bad, I searched for it and couldn’t find it.
Found the app, it was right under my nose. It’s cool, it sychronizes with the site.
I started out with 2500 calories a day, that was about 6 months ago. Gradually I’ve had to lower it. Now today I’ve dropped it to 1900. I seriously doubt I’d be able to do 1900 if it wasn’t for metformin to be honest.
Edit: so far I’ve lost at least 15kg=2.5 stone=33lb
15kg in six months is very good. I stopped at 55 now, I may lower my intake to 1100, myfitnesspal says I can eat between 1000-1200 to lose weight.
That’s 1 kg for only one week.
I think it’s best to take at least 2 weeks to lose 1 kg.
You say you might lower your intake to 1100, does that mean 1100kcal a day?
Yeah. I’m stuck for the past 12 days.
1100 kcal a day sounds too harsh.
Are you able to feel satisfied with 1100 kcal?
I don’t feel it’s harsh. It goes about right. I just stopped eating cakes and chocolates and chips in the middle of the afternoon or something. That has been helping. I eat soup one meal a day, and have a good breakfast.