When I first tried to eat healthy, I followed the gluten free craze and even stayed away from all grains and milk. I would stay away from candy and processed food and stick to veggies, un fried meats, and fruits. I’ve noticed that the illness doesn’t care if it is fructose from fruits or sucrose from cereal, the symptoms come strong later in the day after sugar consumption especially in excess.
I thought fruits were healthy so I made that a big staple instead of adding more kale, spinache, romain lettuce, exc. My experience is that even fruit sugar can increase sz cognitive symptoms if consumed excessively.
I have now planned on limiting my fruit intake for the future and eating maybe one guava fruit a day for the high vitamine c and low histamine release. Everything else will be chicken/meat, leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, tuna, water, exc, but rarely fruit. " Including restricting “ALL FOOD” intake to a limited amount daily."
Any thoughts on differences in cognitive symptoms that may be caused by fructose from fruit or any other kinds of sugars to add?
i try and avoid all sugar…in pure form…and some fruit.
mangos seem okay for me…but other fruit breaks down too quickly and turns to sugar like ripe bananas
have fruit with yoghurt or cheese so it counter balances the sugar content.
take care
Thanks for the reply. God I feel I’ve tested mangos but I might try them again in the future because I just lerrrvv mangos. Maybe because I over induldged on them along with strawberries. All well, at least for now it’s out of the picture.
I sometimes eat a ton of sugar when I am depressed, and it sometimes brings me out of it. I’ve craved sugar my entire life. The doctor raised the possibility that I might be getting type II diabetes, so maybe I should cut back. I drink a cup of apple juice every morning, but apple juice doesn’t have as much sugar in it as it used to, so that is good for me. I also drink three gallons of 1% fat milk a week. I sometimes worry that I might be giving myself kidney stones, but I’m willing to risk it.
I like it, and it has a lot of protein. The protein helps control my blood sugar level. Also it’s cheap. I’m getting it for $2.74 a gallon at Wal Mart.
I drink a cup of vegetable juice every day, and I also eat frozen veggies heated up in the microwave covered by some kind of sauce or parmesean cheese.
Sorry to be a Donnie downer, but even if it reads 100% vitamin c, that still does’nt mean the sugar in it will not cause cognitive slumps.
If my brain decides to pull tricks to get an addictive fix, i’ll be suddenly reminded that "hey, it’s got 100% vitamin c or hey, you can’t have cereal without milk.