Good with animals?

Ive always been good with animals even wild ones. I was wondering if this is a running theme in sz. So are you good with animals?


Psychotic depression, but yes. I assume I give out some kind of “I’m not going to hurt you” vibe. I’ve charmed bats, deer, birds, rabbits, raccoons.


I’m good with cats. I know how to get them on my side and not piss them off. I’ve always been empathetic towards animals.

When I was a young child and at a beach, I found these little hermit crabs. They were just minding their own business, and I was watching them crawl on me etc. Some mean brat of a child stomped over and threw a rock on the ones seated by me. He ended up killing many and other boys joined in laughing. I was horrified and actually fought the boy back in rage. They just laughed and ran off.

Only one of my little crabs survived, and I put him somewhere safe. I was about four. This is one of the first and many times I saw other humans enact pure violence for selfish desire. I will never forget it.


Thats what i was thinking they know i love all things.

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At my mum’s old place which was sort of in the country, I tamed a magpie (Jerry). She brought her babies to the house and would sit on the table next to me. Also a kookaburra I named Louie would visit when I was having my lunch each day.

I love animals.


I made friends with a kildee as a child i could pet it and my older cousins smashed its eggs and it left i was heart broken. Im also very good with cats. These are all great animal stories.

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Animals cling to me like velcro.
I have 6 indoor only cats,
3 outdoor only cats-mamma is going to have kittens any day now, got to get her fixed…

I found a nearly dead pigeon in our shop driveway once, it had something wrong with it’s foot and wing.
It broke my heart that the animal places I called wanted nothing to do with it, they laughed at me for wanting to help a disease ridden “flying rat” and hung up.
That got me angry, so I got a med sized cardboard box, put in some bread and small dish of water, and covered it with a blanket under my desk, then checked it every hour…by the second day it perked up a bit, so I gave it some of my muffin, by the 3rd day it was flapping around wanting out.
The 4th day I took it outside in my hands, wished it good luck and set it free, it looked at me with eyes that said ‘thank you’ and then flew up and away, no problem at all.

I also caught a hummingbird that got stuck in our shop after flying in under the roll-up door .
For 3 hours I chased it to the door, but it wouldn’t go under it.
Finally it wore out and I just picked it up and took it outside and let it go. It flew up to a branch nearby, then flew away, but only after flying real close to my face, and hovering for a second or two as if to say goodbye.


Poor Kildee. D:

My cat says hello.

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The neighbors cat who likes me more than his owners says hello back. What color or kind of cats do you have…

So it seems a bunch of us have magic animal powers lol

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Only dogs. The rest of nature hates me. Dogs have always really liked me, though, even aggressive ones. If I tried to charm a raccoon I’m pretty sure it would give me rabies.

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Rats hate me…

Love all animals. I help my neighbor with all her animals all the time. I also own a dog and a cat.

our neighbor owns 8 horses, 4 dogs, 2 lamas, and a bunch of chickens. The last picture is of her and my dog (mines the white and black one). The second picture is of my favorite horsey. We where insta-buds! The owner gaver her to me cause she likes me so much. Her and my dog follow me everywhere!


I’ve always been good with animals. It’s people that give me trouble.

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Jonty: Why hello. Sharp, why you wake me up during my 12th nap of the day!!!


Jonty looks like she is trying to hypnotize you.

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I love your cats colors

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Jonty meows a ton. Almost non-stop when he/she wants something. I don’t mind it though XD. I never really have minded. Meow all you want you lovely kitty!

Jonty: Meow Meow Meow

Translation: “You willl give me your chicken!” " You will give me your…"

Now I understand. She/he is a hypnotist!

@flameoftherhine He/she has sky blue eyes but the pic doesn’t show it. Jonty says many thanks :cat:

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Wow! That looks like an animal lover’s paradise.

:cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: You are getting sleepy…very sleepy…

I’m good with animals, I think its an empath thing not about sz.