Do you have any pets? Tell us about him, her or them.
I love dogs, and owned them all my life.
I’m sad because during my psychotic break gave up my dog for adoption.
I was highly delusional during this time.
Awe I’m so sorry @Wave. That’s sad
I have a cat and dog. They hate each other.
They both save me when I’m going through hard times.
Animal therapy is best therapy
My dog saves me too. He’s the best. He loves cats but most cats don’t love him.
I have a bird… and I don’t care about it … I have no interest playing with it … it was my mistake that I bought it
i have a lizard named kaisei, he is about 5 years old we adopted him from a shelter ran pet store. then i am also taking care of my in laws 4 dogs, 2 cats, 2 birds, their lizard and their rabbit. which i get nothing in return for doing but its better than them being neglected which is what would happen if i didn’t take care of them.
kay said when we move most likely we will be getting their lizard and their cats since they don’t like taking care of them
i love my mums dog who is a female Collie and she is really well behaved but she recently developed arthritis and cant run about after a ball anymore :(, she’s still great though, hopefully get another couple of years out of her
Thank You @Hop3.
I’m devasted over it still.
I do and we have cats, but I feel like if I truly loved animals I would be vegan.
I have two cats, Sweetie and Bubby, two ferrets, Bean and Cream, a leopard gecko, Leo, and soon I’ll be getting created geckos and a tarantula.
I got a fish tank.
They are all community fishes and i added in a beta to the mix just to have lots of them.
Only when I’m hungry.
Yes. Since diagnosis I’m a cat person. I got Charlie the cat 17 years ago and she’s been a great companion. She clever as and acts more like a dog. A very interesting animal!
And they love me !
That must have been terrible, @Wave. I had just two tiny Zebra Finches years ago that I had to give up because my future was uncertain…Anyway, I gave them to someone who had an aviary and I believe they got a good home, but I was sobbing to let them go.
I hope you’ll get a dog again. ️
Thank you @Hedgehog
I have two cats: Ivan and Nick. They both like to sit with me when I’m depressed. I appreciate this a whole lot. It is wonderful. Nick is really picky about everything. He wants his litter scooped every day and changed every week and a half. He is very particular about his food. And he only wants you to pet him in certain ways. Ivan is much more easy going. He likes all petting and wants to sit in your lap (especially if your about to rush out the door). He is picky about his food though. When he sits on your lap, he melts into a puddle of cat that you have to struggle to keep on your lap. He will seep through the cracks and slip off the edge.
My dog ziggy passed away very suddenly a couple of months ago I miss him. My house feels so empty without him. I want another pet but with how I’ve been feeling lately idk if I could handle taking care of one and if anything bad happened to them i know it would just break me. Also i dont think im ready to move on just yet. That said I really miss my dogs