Good with animals?

Yea i agree it just seems we as az are more empathetic in general than our normie counterparts.

Hm… there are some sz assholes as well. I don’t divide things like that. People are people. It would seem sz would turn a person more empathic, but some are just not at all.

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I always felt more kinship with animals. We always had cats, dogs and parakeets growing up, and I took care of neighbor’s horses when I could. Animals have no malicious intent the way people do. I think because I approach with trust and admiration that animals respond in kind to me. I don’t like bugs though…

I cant agree completely i once ran into a badger when i was 6. it not only chased me out of its territory it ran me all the way back to the house…the door was locked and i didnt have time to stop and knock so i was screaming and running around the house. Badgers are dicks lol he already ran me off he didnt have to keep chasing me around and around the house.


I shouldn’t laugh, but :smile_cat: I got chased around a zoo by a peacock once, tail feathers fanned and rattling. Very alarming! It was explained to me later that this was a mating display and dance, which honestly freaked me out even more. :scream:


You must be one sexy peacock lol. I was actualy hoping to make people laugh with that one so have at it. It was scary at the time but now its just a funny memory my parents like to bring up.


Love animals. I believe they can sense energies, and they are great to have around, for me the scaredy puss. Reminded me of once being chased by a wild turkey… That was scary. I have trouble with people, too, but I open up with animals.

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I have the same problems with animals that I have with humans.

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