Hi - there is a full list of medicines for your daughter here. What country / state do you live in. Generally you need to see a doctor or a psychiatrist to get a prescription for these medications.
Here are some discussions from what people say is helping them. Its very common that one medication may not work, but another will work well - so just keep trying different medications if one does not work.
Also - if you can - try to get to an early psychosis treatment center - or call one that is close to you. Here is a discussion that has links to three different groups of early psychosis centers in the USA and the last one has them around the world:
Hi - ok, I have not been to Pakistan so don’t know the treatment opportunities in your city - but they probably are not as good as in Europe or North America.
But - you can probably buy the medications without a prescription I suspect - so read up on the different medications above and see what you can get from your pharmacies in your area, or perhaps from internet stores / pharmacies if you don’t have good pharmacies in your town.
The red eye issue is not something that is associated with schizophrenia or the medication - it sounds like a separate issue. Here is some information that might be helpful: