Do you still have moments of paranoia, which you endure?

Ok, my illness became chronical years ago… I fight now, I take my meds, but I still have my moments of paranoia… Should I just accept this? Do you have them too still? Do you still have to hide in silence from the others? :smirk:
I guess it’s still the road to recovery, not being scared of some temporary paranoias mostly I guess?.. I felt lightheaded with them now, but it will get better in a few I guess…
Did you had to accept some symptoms despite the meds? Maybe I am still not used that I am a paranoid sz lol…


Yeah I probabably have moments everyday. Somedays longer than others. Other symptoms as well. Im used to it to some degree, but its pretty harsh.

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Well today I am a bit paranoid😞
I had been doing good the last few weeks with no symptoms but I’m having a bout of paranoia today

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And you dont seek more meds about the present symptoms? Tbh, it’s a bit my case… we tried for ten years only meds lol… I even took way too many, one honest pdoc told it to me…
Now, I am just too fragile so I decided to endure some stuff… I hope I am right… it’s not a big deal if I still have some stuff isn’t it? I still take my zyprexa lol, I dont intend to stop it…its just that not any med didnt brought me the recovery…

Im not fond of meds for several reasons and they never helped me, really not at all in my case.

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I have paranoia from time to time. I just reason with myself that I am not a very imprtant person, and even if I was, if someone wants to get rid of me some mysterious deliberate way then so be it.

Life is only temporary. The only question is when and how we leave this world. And it applies to everyone. We all share this fate.

I’m not saying that I am never scared, but it helps to be at peace with how helpless we are.

When god decides to take me, it is out of my hands.

Occasionally and I’m not on anything any more besides a couple of anxiety meds on the occasion. I think alot of my paranoia is just self conscious insecurities that I’m beginning to work through with counseling at this point. Which is something I never received while in my prime of psychosis and while taking the ap. Hopefully this helps


I’m constantly paranoid even with meds

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Me too. I’m still paranoid ever since I heard that voice. It’s the one thing that meds don’t take care of. I also think people on TV and celebrities are clones that were killed off. I think most people would call that a delusion but I think it’s real. I’m thinking about going to school to keep my mind off of things. I feel like a bad person for not doing anything like moving away but I see pros and cons for both situations of staying and leaving. Besides I saw that as a symptom moving away and that’s another reason I’m not. I hope I’m just schizophrenic and all this stuff isn’t real. It’s hard feeling like such a bad person. I don’t feel motivated to do anything.

I guess we just have to tell ourselves that voices are NOT real! Such advanced telepathy would likely not be used on us if we are just normal people anyway. Why waste their time?

I think I was a terrorist, so this doesn’t help me. Everyone here and my family think I wasn’t though. I would just write raps. I never killed anyone.

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You have to reject it, as much as you possible can. The brain is very neuroplastic - you have to use your bodies ability to reject things you don’t like to not be triggered or stressed by paranoia

Re-reason why something is or is not right and put feelings of faith into those thoughts

It’s like living in mindfulness as much as you can, eventually your mind will become strong against what is natural to us sz; to feel persecuted

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So you aren’t taking antipsychotics right now?

Nah just the occasional anxiety combo maybe I’ll need it for life maybe not. Counseling really helps at this point tbh wish they would have offered it to me at my prime when I really needed to talk instead of just injecting me with the ap’s… but everything happens for a reason hallmark card type stuff or whatever😄

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I have moments of paranoia… even with the forum… I still hear voices and I’m on medication. I can’t stop taking them because I am afraid of going into psychosis and not being able to come out of it… each time I do my brain deteriorates more.

i get paranoid still regularly but i notice i don’t obsess so much over it anymore. I think the meds won’t take everything away…

If you can find things to distract you like school, I think that’s a great idea.

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Yes, probably everyday some sort of paranoia. It sucks.

Daily I have paranoia and intrusive thoughts. I just try my best to get on with it.

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I still get paranoid around strangers and people, even family I don’t see every day.

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I get paranoid in moments of stress.

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Stress isn’t required with me.