Does the meds helped your paranoia of people?

yeah, i still have it… plus i have headaches cause my paranoia causes me a big physical tension. i am going out every day since 10 days but its still hell out there… i am afraid it wont pass… for the moment, the meds are not a big help:/… i am like blocked from the people outside and the feeling is that my head will explode cause i stop breathing around the people outside there. the best probably is to keep going outside but its hard :confused:

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Yeah, since I got a higher dose and the right meds my paranoia is a lot better. I still think that people are reading my mind or conspiring against me sometimes but when I stop and consider my thoughts I realise that it’s not real.

Maybe you don’t have the right meds or dose yet.


tree, i tried every med on the market, honestly… i spent 5 years searching the right med… maybe i lost the habit to be around people, dont know… i dont go out since years…maybe its something else than paranoia, i am a hater also and i still envy others for their lives :/… i wont switch my zprexa for the moment, i am fed up of trying meds all the time,thats all :slight_smile:

5 years searching for the right meds is a really long time… I get that you’re tired of switching meds, and you’ve probably tried enough of them too. You could try going outside every day. I have made it a rule that I need to go outside at least once every day. It helps with the paranoia and especially the fear of going outside. I am also envious of other people in real life and on this forum… but I try not to spend too much energy on it. It’s tough though.

yeap treebeard, thanks for the answer :wink: i was expecting miracles from meds and my pdoc was listening to me. zyprexa was my second Ap and it dont give me terrible side effects that i got from some others aps. i tried them all,really(typicals, atypicals etc)… ill stay on zyprexa now, it helped me already to go outside even though that i am still really paranoid :confused: i make my job in the morning, in the afternoon i am at home… i made my peace with the fact that i am ill. otuside,i am telling to myself that others are mostly wellintentionad people event though that you can see that i have a problem… its still hard for me to see others mentally ill people outside. we have them a lot in bulgaria( my mom is russian and she says that in russia they have alcoholics but no so mentally sick people like here)… thats all basically. oh yes, because of my mental state i have headaches,this is tough but well see if this will pass.

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I’m on zyprexa too, I like it more than the others.
Wish you good luck with everything!

The meds helped a little… for me… the anxiety and catastrophic thinking seems to feed the paranoia…

I was able to talk to a therapist and get some anxiety management ideas… talk myself into saying hello to others… walking outside a little more and saying hello when I passed others.

It took me a long time… but my therapist drilled it into my head… social skills are in fact skills… and can be relearned.

The meds helped, but therapy helped too… good luck and I hope you feel better soon.


I use to be paranoid when I use to go out into public, but then I realized I have Values in relationships just like the rest of the people and there not out to get me. Maybe they have a better way of social networking around me and treating me differently because of it so it makes me feel paranoid. I don’t get that anymore. I don’t get that feeling of manipulation anymore like I use too. And I tend to have a different perspective on some of this stuff as well feel free to read any of my posts.

Have a good one!

It is very hard but persevere you must keep trying and one day you will start to feel a bit better but it takes time and hard work

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hi, its me with a new pseudo :slight_smile: my paranoia should not be typical cause she doesn’t disappear with meds. I am afraid to be rejected, to be laughed at, I think its this basically… I get really tensed when I see crazy people outside… I am frustrated still that we are ‘‘in the same bout’’… probably this makes me mean but that’s the way I feel outside.
the other thing is that I should make efforts to think, to organize better my thinking, to be more reasonable and that’s a big effort for me. I am sceptic that meds can bring us to reason when you spent the last 13 years living in your head basically with intrusive thoughts, out of reality, with jealousy, hate and envy.
voila :/…

I haven’t found much relief with meds for paranoia. My last therapist tried to tell me a way to disassemble the thinking but I found loopholes in the idea so that didn’t work. My best strategy is to ask my close friends and family if they still like me when I’m slightly paranoid-that doesn’t work when I’m really paranoid. Mostly now I keep my mouth shut instead of lashing out when I’m disturbed by something.

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I don’t get that feeling of paranoia like I said up above. I just don’t look into things like I use too. Some of the delusional stuff I did for a while to state my arguments and facts. So I went all out about what I could find online about what I see, feel, touch, hear and smell is real too me. After I started to really sit down and start educating myself on whats rational and whats irrational. It all started to sink in. I think really thinking about my boundaries and separating myself from others and myself and judgments and learn to love and have empathy for others you see things differently.

Have a good one!

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I found gabapentin to help with social anxiety. And for me anxiety and paranoia are kinda intertwined into the one thing. I have read quite a few cases where gabapentin (neurontin) helps bad feelings when out of the house.

its me still-Anna1 is me… so I went out but I walk fast. I was really paranoid. I try to breathe deeply but the fear is here…besides that one woman talked to me in the shop. I felt less like a monster, it was really nice :)… so that’s all, I color my hair right now at home…