I have a kitty cat and I find taking care of her is therapeutic.
I have two dogs three chickens and a rabbit
I have a stinky turtle
I have a 2 year old Dachshund Chow mix - He is very therapeutic!
I have a cat who thinks I have a duty to scratch her.
I have a cat, who unfortunately today I have been going around behind with carpet cleaner cleaning up spit up and hair balls .
Can the vet give her something for that?
Mmmm… I love chicken.
We have two dogs…one black Great Pyrenees, blind in one eye due to being shot a long time ago. and a younger Catahoula hound dog…the Great Pyrenees is simply called Phideaux, and the hound is RooRoo.
I have a cat but it stays at my brothers place. Will probably resume sole ownership once I move out. He’s always been a little pal that lifts the spirits. Sadly though he spends a lot of his wakeful hours endlessly pawing at the door. Little bugger just wants to go outside. I’m sure he wouldn’t go far and would always come back, beyond that though there is no telling what could happen. I’ve lost cats in this manner before.
I have a cat that has been with me off and on for the last 16-18yrs and she has helped my mental condition immensely.
It’s like she can feel my stress leaving so whenever I’m here she lays next to me.
When I first started going down mentally thinking that the neighbors were screwing with me my ma gave her to me for a Christmas gift and she’s the best gift I’ve ever had in my life.
It’s true that cat’s are very therapeutic.
My kids have three dogs but I spend a lot of time with them, I take care of them. We live in the same house. I love the dogs they are great. Here they are on a Monday. I call this Monday Monday Lazy day with the dogs. I took this photo yesterday
Yes, a dog and 7 cats including at least one pregnant cat…plus found this little guy today…last year we had a baby snapping turtle that was friendly, hope that is around in one of the ponds this year but haven’t seen it yet…
Nice dude… Lizards/Salamanders are cool. I wouldn’t try and keep them long term but they have an interesting form.
I pulled it out of the water when cleaning out leaves. We put it back after taking the pics. I used to collect red striped salamanders when i was a kid…
Wow cool, we were listing to Radio Ecoshock and right when I typed salamander just now the program said the word ‘salamander’ and went into a segment about salamanders and newts…sync…same word, same subject, same exact time.
I have a dog and my boyfriend has two cats. I love them all, and they are great for me. We live in the country without many neighbors, so the pets fulfill my social quota on some days. I am an extremely social person, and without the pets I would probably go crazier without anything to do out here.
Milo the cat…
I gotta Quacker parrot
My corgi. I love her to bits, she was like my first sister. I don’t even know what I’m going to do when she dies (which will hopefully be years from now!!) considering I flipped out when my goldfish died lol.
No but I dream of getting a puppy, preferably a cochochon (I think that’s how you spell it. Its a cross between a bizzion frese and a cocker spaniel I guess. Probley just get a dog from the shelter though when I can.