Hey guys, as above, i am thinking about getting a dog!
A dog would be a great companion for sure! Do you have a specific breed in mind, or are you adopting from a shelter?
Right now I have no pets, but I’d love to have some dogs and cats in the future.
Hi schztuna, not sure what breed yet, will check the local shelter!
I got a catman named Orion. He is great company. I like dogs too but they are a little bit too demanding for me alone. Maybe if I was with someone, that could be a option as well.
I had a bearded dragon, but it died last year. Very sad moment.
I live with 5 kitties.
I have a dog. A little pug. Getting a dog was one of the best decisions I ever made. A pet is good therapy.
I have a bunch of cats, a German Shepherd, and a ferret.
Had a cat for 6 months till Percy died :(. She got abused by some drunken arsehole (long story)
Last time i checked there was still a long waiting list at the shelter here - but ive left it this year, cos im not sure i could afford the vet bills at the moment.
Would love a kitty cat tho
Rubbed salt in the wound that my neighbour opposite got given 2 that was rescued.
I have my gaming computer. I pet it.
how should I count them? Anyway theres my inlaws dogs i take care of theres 4. Ones half mine but i do all the work. Then there’s kaisei hes my bearded dragon, a cat and two rats
I have twin capybaras but they’re nothing like cats or dogs.
Oh yeah, I got a handsome tuxedo kitty.
I’ve had him since he was a kitten.
We’re growing fat and old together.
I want to get a dog but I live in a flat with no garden, and I am not around much because of work.
Hopefully things will change soon.
I got a bird, a cockatiel…when I was 16 to help my depression. It helped a little bit, because I didn’t have a close relationship with him. I loved him. He was funny. Later on I developed a relationship with him, but it faded away for some reason I don’t know why. His name was Mr. Dude.
I have a cat and a dog but I’m not sure if I can take them when I move. I have people who will take my dog but I’m not sure about my cat. Thinking about it makes me want to cry.
I have a dachshund and several cats.
I have a little Shih Tsu. He’s my little snuggle bug. I love him so much! He’s like my little baby.
I live with my parents. They have 2 cats and a dog. I love our dog. He keeps me company when I feel alone. Something about looking into a dogs eyes. You just feel love
I have a budgie called Sky. I love his chattering and chirping. And his funny antics like bobbing his head to the mirror