I have a dog who thinks she’s a baby. She cuddles/nuzzles in my hair. She’s the sweetest. Her name is Ina.
@pob the vet says that hair balls are unfortunately part of a long hairs life, he gave us food that cuts them down that makes it so that she doesn’t have them as often and they are smaller but they are inevitable. She hasn’t done this since July so it’s few and far between .
LOL, my brain gets way ahead of itself, interpreting words before I get to the end of the sentence, so for a second I thought you were saying your boyfriend was a pet…haha.
We had four rabbits. Mine lived the longest. When she died no one told me til a few weeks later (I was at uni).
She helped me to ground myself.
We currently have a cat that my older sister brought home as a kitten but as she mistreated him he obviously became attached to the rest of us. She moved out and he’s happy being the family cat. He was scared of the rabbits though hahaha.
Well, I do feed him and clean up after him…
I have two dogs ones a cocker spaniel and the other is a mix between cocker spaniel and a poodle. They are both black. The female is named Roxie(she is the full blooded cocker spaniel) and the male is named Hunter(he is the mix). Hunter has been around with me through some pretty rough times…he is my favorite.
I have a little aquarium; I feel that it is therapeutic.
None at the moment, but my wife and I are planning on purchasing a tortoise soon. Maybe a monitor too.
I take care of these to dogs for a family member sometimes. Never really like the fur ball breeds till I spent some time with the. Both Bission freese’s but Molly (the golden one) is part Cocker too.
As long as there are no leashes, cages, or litter boxes involved I guess it’s ok…
I have a monitor…I am looking at Monitors on my monitor…
We have Box Turtles here but never keep them as pets, they are kind of like Tortoises, but they do go in water and eat meat, unlike tortoises…they are around on the property enough and all in the woods…unfortunately they go on the road and get hit sometime…We rescue them like this one last year from the road and bring them to the woods…
Certain animals people would keep as pets in the city like turtles, snakes, lizards, birds, etc, we have around naturally and close up, so no need to capture them except to hold them, take a pic and let them go.
Box turtles are the ■■■■. I haven’t seen one in years.
We’ve only got red eared sliders and snapping turtles in this state.
if you seen previous photos you probably know I have a cat. She is my baby, her name’s Padme (taken from Star Wars…)
Oh, are you not supposed to keep them in cages? Dating sure has changed since my day!
I have three goldfish - Comet Gloop and Speckles
Used to have 5 of those in a small pond but they died after 2 - 3 years… bought them for 30 cents apiece from the feeder tank, 1 - 2 inches long…the kind that usually get bought to feed piranhas… so I probably rescued them from getting eaten…They grew to 4 - 5 inches long. I think they outgrew the pond…they can get really big if they have the space.
No longer pregnant cat…this morning…