a cousin of mine has been diagnosed with it. a parent has some milder traits of it, very superstitious to the point of being a bit deluded, worrying that people are listening to them thru the phone, and occasional hallucinations, but never diagnosed with it or anything like schizotypal personality disorder
My great grandmother never was diagnosed as far as I know but she did have psychotic symptoms and ended up in a mental institution for years. She apparently started having issues after her husband was murdered.
My sister has scizophrenia.
My brothers got bipolar and my dad did too. My moms got depression, OCD and anxiety and on her side of the family there is a lot more MI.
I have a great-aunt who started hearing voices after my great grandma died, but I heard depression and trauma can do that, and she doesn’t seem sz otherwise.
So no, not that I know of.
Mothers side. Maternal grandmother with two sisters schizophrenic.
Dads side. Three out of four siblings of my dad are on antidepressants and my dad probably should too.
Dads side. One sibling with parkinsons. That shite is whack. Really…you think most of us have it tough read up about that! It’s a degenerative illness and it’s totally mad how you slide off the planet!
I am the only one in my family and past generations to get schizophrenia. I blame my sensitivity to stress and the pressure I was under when I became ill…no other excuse.
Only one uncle (out of five siblings on mums side) with an anxiety disorder. People on mums side of the family are very sensitive people though and somewhat vulnerable (shy, etc).
I don’t think there’s any schizophrenia or psychosis in my family history, at least not in the last 2 or 3 generations, but there’s a fair few people who had episodes of depression
I have an uncle on my dad’s side diagnosed sz. Otherwise, lots and lots of dysfunction and undiagnosed mess on both sides. My mom was bedridden with depression chronically over the years and she tried to commit suicide before I was born…
My son inherited my sz.
Not that I know of. I’m the only one in my family diagnosed with sz. My sister and niece had bipolar-like symptoms and took Meds for it. But no sz in my family except me.