Do you have a family history with schizophrenia?

I’m the only one in my family who’s lost it.

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My grandma had schizophrenia

Idk what exactly my grandpa had but he committed suicide and his mom did as well

Don’t know why


I’m sorry to hear that. That’s sad.


I’ve heard I have a great uncle that had it. My grandmother spent time in the hospital for a nervous breakdown(she didn’t have schizophrenia though). My brother and I have it and a cousin of mine had it and committed suicide. All on my dad’s side.

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Dads side with depression and Parkinsons and mums side for schizophrenia.

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None that I know of. I got “lucky”

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No one in my family with the condition.

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No but mental illness and alcoholism run in the family. My mom had severe agoraphobia and depression and anxiety. Her mother spent a year in a sanatorium in the 1940’s. My dads family was extremely violent and had a history of alcoholism including my dad. They weren’t criminals they just happen to get in a lot of fights. I had a cousin on my dads side who was a heroin addict, she was kind of the black sheep of the family until she got clean in her 40’s and straightened her life out.


Not that I know off. The only thing close was my grandfather whom was fearless and village people would say that some things he did were crazy.
Like he escaped the concentration camp during the war and he had to do lots of walking during the nights. Hide outs, and mostly with no food.
Rummors said, final part for comi g back, he had to hold himself, with fingers in bullet holes, on a wing of a plane, to get back in the country.
Stories like that…


To say it strait my mother has got schizophrenia and I do all the shopping for her. My father was alcoholic for 50 years and died of cancer and Lewis Boddy some years back. My parent got devoiced when I was 6 years old. I myself was alcoholic 20 years back in time but quit by being the person in my town who was the longest time on Antabus 10 years. The last 10 years I realy drank because I could not get drunk anymore because my antipsychotics made it impossible to get drunk. Now I never touch that stuff anymore.


i am not sure, i had an aunt that had sz but it was drug induced so i’m not really sure if she has sz… but people used to say it so i’ll vote yet.

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My sister and I both have schizophrenia.

Recently I’ve been looking into our family history.

I feel like there’s potential for schizophrenia and OCD to be on both sides of my family.

I have observed similar behaviors on my mother’s side,

And there are an odd amount of suicides on my dad’s side.

Neither family would admit to a history, but I do think it’ has to be genetic for us.

We had amazing childhoods, she never abused drugs and we still developed it.


Mine is of my mother. She was and is bad off with hers, I don’t think she shall ever get the right medication. That is, if she’s still alive after covid problem.

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My mom had depression when she was pregnant carrying me. It was very tough stage where she was not able to cope with the amount of stress people around her were giving. But that was when she had maybe an episode. But after that she was coping well so meds were not required.

For me when I was in college I was diagnosed with Bipolar. Then some time later had episode recurring. I could not get back up as I had multiple issues OCD, Sz, Mania, etc. Now hardly managing and trying to see if I can fit into the role of taking care office work and home. Hope things improve.

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My mom has SzA, my sister has SzA, and one of my brothers probably has it, too. He takes antipsychotics but I don’t know what his diagnosis is. Yay for horrible genetics!


Oh blossom I’m so sorry that you and your family are hit so hard by those terrible conditions


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