I was pretty cute when I was young. But, now that I’m older, I am not so much anymore. My weight is normal. I am tall and female. I dress casual all of the time and my skin is good so, I don’t think I need makeup. I color my hair dark brown (it is naturally salt and pepper grey) and short and curly wavy. I do yoga every single day, so, I am toned.
The med weight gain has been a big one for me too. I find it to be quite a bummer.
I gained almost 100 pounds on anti psychotics. I have very little teeth but I wear dentures, my hair is short and dyed auburn red. I think I am hideous.
I may not know you personally but as a kid and even once in high school I’ve known boys to call girls ugly that clearly were not. Kids start forming cliques pretty early and will often say almost anything about an outsider.
I always feel ugly but at the same time I’m grateful for a lot of things so I try not to get my ugliness get me down.
try most of the time. Though I am trying to lose weight, I’ve joined weight watchers and have lost 6 pounds, but I’m worried I may have gained a few this week. not saying fat is ugly but I wonder if I wouldn’t feel so ugly if I lost it…
When I look in the mirror I don’t see an ugly person. However I have done nothing but strike out in the love department. So the evidence would suggest that I am ugly.
But I’m deluded, I go through my day not really thinking about what I look like.
No one tells me I’m ugly, no one tells me I’m good looking. I don’t really know who thinks I’m ugly or who thinks I’m good looking, or who thinks I’m average. I look at photos of myself and in some of the photos I think I look ugly but in other photos I think I’m good looking.
Oh well, I’m around women all day at my job (three days a week). I get smiles and say “hi” to the majority of them and I talk to some of them. I guess it doesn’t matter what I look like. I’m older and I am pretty sure no one is planning to bed me, lol. My dad told me long, long ago that as you get older looks become secondary and people are really more interested in who you are as a person and what you’re about.
He was right again as usual.
its true it gives you a positive outlook on life if you feel attractive , i myself have a strange hate love relationship with myself i mean i think im handsome as fuc yet in the eyes of others but the mind of my own i dont find myself so attractive , funny huh…i got alotta insecuritys though , only ever had 1 gf n she left me , but she was gorgeous and it lasted 5 years so i musnt be that bad…except for my drug and gambling addictions in the past , talk about ugly
I am the ugliest person in the world. I can’t believe my husband hasn’t left me yet. I’m surprised people don’t vomit when they have to look at me. I get so upset about having the bad luck of being so ugly that I just want to kill myself. I’ve always known I’m ugly but it’s just sad because I would have made a good Barbie type.
In the mental institute after a bad nightmare I woke up and saw this shadow of what looked like an alien on the window. I was doing a detox while in there. My voices told me that is how I look when I drink. When I drink a lot I feel more ugly. I think part of that is when you’re messed up in the head your body language is off.
Yeah, I feel ugly all the time.
I feel beautiful when I’m in a good mood and ugly when I’m in a bad mood. It’s all relative. On a good day i can look in a mirror and like what I see. But when I feel bad I can’t even look I get so loathed.
I agree that it is important to feel attractive, although I feel gross I try my best to dress sharp, sometimes on home days I just wear a t shirt and jeans but as I am a metal head when I go to the mall to buy cds I’ll dress in a black band shirt with a black button up shirt on top, sleeves rolled up, with black jeans two wallet chains a metal necklace and some form of studded wristbands or gauntlets. I know I’m nowhere near where I used to look but I feel good at least.
The letter U tattooed on my heart…
I wonder about bitter old women you know? I HOPE with this ugly negativity inside my mind and things I say to myself, I hope and wish I grow old gracefully, like a lady. HEH women when they grow old, become crazy sometimes, the ones I have met. Even my mom sometimes says crazy things about my brother’s finance. I wish and hope I just be like a nice old wise lady one day. If I do not die by that age =(
I’m pretty ugly, yeah…nobody would want to be seen with me…icky…hehehe.
Do I ever feel ugly?
Sheesh, only when I look in the mirror.
Aging gracefully is an art.
You are awesome @Csummers !!! Not sure how old you are but you are very cool
I could be ugly but never feel that way. I hardly look in the mirror. I keep my hair short so I don’t have to comb it. Really don’t judge others by looks. I like low maintenance cloths ect. Not to concerned with my appearance as long as I stay somewhat clean.
I do feel ugly inside and out…but i kind of make up for it by being polite, interesting to talk to, attentive, generous, and honest …