I believe in him, but i hate him, what in the hell is he thinking?!
Flesh?! Death?! Whats his problem?!
I also believe in satan, but i hate him also, what a complete you know what!
If God has a plan, which i believe he does, then i hate it and i hate him for it and for making me a part of it.
If he told me to have children i would tell him to go make them himself, how dare he even ask nicely that i have children, as if i could happily watch my own children do this awful crap. Not to mention the fact that they might be murdered or raped, you want kids go make them God.
I don’t even care what this is about, how could i, it’s a nightmare and i don’t think that he should have done this at all. Why not just make us angels/spirits in the first place? Wouldn’t that be impatient or lazy of him?
Thats my religion, i believe in him but i hate him, and i hate the other guy also, why worship either, it’s not like they ever do anything for us. If spirits could die i wish that they would actually, and why not, thats what we do, it’s okay for us isn’t it, i wish they would as well.
What an awful plan and i don’t think that it can be encouraged, and most certainly not worshipped, thus sayeth the mountain of murdered children, not to mention all of the ones in sex slavery right now.
If you can hear me God i honestly wish you dead and i wish you great pain. It’s a new religion!