do your voices believe in god ?
Whatcha mean by that,
Are voices talking about god and things?
Or like do you have a voice personfication that beliefs in a religion?
I in the past have had religious delusions/commentary like for a couple years, but they came to pass and I do not have them anymore.
My voices are so quiet when I pray, only making a remark when my mind strays and I think something stupid. Also, they sometimes say Waheguru (name of the Creator in Sikhism.) I enjoy it.
My main issue with SZ is the physical pain my brain is in, not so much the voices.
Yeah some of them do, it’s like normal people in the world. I’ve had some of mine pray for me before, or caught them praying for me. They usually stay back though but some of them are there and like telling me that Jesus has been trying to get through to me and stuff like that, and then there are real nasty voices that are more demonic… it’s weird.
When I did believe, they questioned that god exists. Now that I don’t they question that he doesn’t.
My voices told me I WAS god!
Not that im aware of.
My voices believe I’m a god and are plotting against me with the government
Ok story time… in my virtual world where all my hallucinations live and have bodies and do stuff there is god too. He’s powerful but doesn’t come around much anymore. He used to have a fondness for abducting one of my friends. So I built a psych hospital for him and gave him ECT treatments till he got better
yeah gods and saints
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