Best antipsychotic?

Which antipsychotic is best for you? When you consider all pros and cons, efficay, side effects, which antipsyhotic is best for you?

For me, clozapine is the best among all.

Best regards

I like haldol. It does the job and doesn’t cause many side effects for me. All atypicals that I tried didn’t work well enough and/or caused caused crazy fast weight gain.

A vidi njega…

Bok! :smile:

I like Thorazine fo sho…jk I’m the official board spokesman for abilify

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I’m happy on Xeplion (Invega in the US)

Geodon is a miracle drug that doesn’t cause weight gain!

Latuda for me it’s worked wonders

A better question: is there even one person who enjoys Risperidone?

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I do because I hate orgasms…said no one ever


Actually I think a few people on the forums said they stay away from orgasms because they trigger symptoms. I just feel so bad for them.

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Apparently anti-psychotics work differently for people. Some have adverse side effects, and some tolerate it well. I’ve been through hell and back, and I gained like 60 lbs in the process. Recently, I’ve been taking Haldol and I started tolerating it well, yet it caused me depressive symptoms and affected my mental processing. So I’m now on Trifluperazine, and I think it’s causing weight gain again.

Latuda gave me the worst Akathisia attack that made me heart hurt for like 6months. Geodon made me feel more psychotic. Haldol was ok, but made me flat as fvck. Risperdal was good, but made me have an appetite like never before. Now I am trying Abilify and Seroquel at night. Seroquel helps me sleep, but if I hit the 300mg zone, I get restless legs. I take 150mg, I don’t really like it because I’m sure it slows my metabolism down. The Abilify I think is more activating to me and I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my body yesterday!!! Currently I am ok…we will see.
:pill: :pill: :pill: :rabbit:

I was on Zyprexa and switched to Risperdal. It’s the best one that I’ve been on. The sexual side effects don’t bother me. My only concern is that it is elevating my blood sugar. My blood tests out as pre-diabetic, but I was diagnosed with diabetes while taking Zyprexa. I switched to Risperdal because it was less expensive.

Zyprexa/olanzapine is the best one for me. Have tried 4 APs.

Bok. Kako si? Sta se radi?

Having tried 6 or 7 different Antipsychotics, I can honestly say that Risperdal is the most stabilizing med out there for me.

It is not without side effects, but it stabilizes my moods and keeps me away from Mania and Psychosis, better than any mood stabilzer, except for maybe Depakote.

Best for me was Cloziril. I was treatment resistant to all other antipsychotic’s I tried, Risperdal, zyprexa, abilify, and seroquel. Cloziril was the most effective. Yeah the blood work sucks, but for me the pros out weigh the cons. Weight gain is also less than the other meds I’ve tried.

Evo…životari se :smile:
A ti se pojaviš svakih pola godine.

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Flupenthixol for me. Typicals FTW!