Best antipsychotic?

Malo češće sam tu, ali nema veze. Fokusiran sam na lijekove. Ostale stvari me ne interesiraju toliko. A ti si prekrasna , kao i uvijek :slight_smile:

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Reminded me of a book "The Beautiful and Damned ’ by F.Scott Fitzgerald.
OK, time to stop derailing this thread.
Hvala :kissing:

Lez Derail a Lil More Shall We ,

Your Book Remyndes Me Of Tha CodexXx Truth About ESPERANTO … ,

Nel Mezzo Del Cammin De Nostra Vita (!!!)

I’ve tried almost every AP on the market. Haldol is my friend!

Haldol/Zyprexa for me, but I think there’s better drugs coming along with much less side effects.

I tried three other APs(clozapine, risperdone, thorazine) before finding one that works with little side effects. I found Saphris works best for me.

A combination of Geodon and Seroquel work best for me. I don’t really see any other med taking their place. They do weaken me physically, and I hate that, but it’s a necessary evil. I think I am about as comfortable as I can be on these med’s.

Nothing worked for me - only stacked extreme side effects onto my prognosis. Can’t contribute any positive reviews about AP’s.

clozapine works best for me

Depixol and seroquel (my meat and gravy respectively)

Cariprazine next generation anti psychotic to treat negative symptoms
unfortunatelly i cannot try it

Why not? Has anyone here tried cariprazine?

available in the United States only atm

Best antipsychotic for me is Serdolect(Sertindole). I have tried Olanzapine(Zyprexa), Risperdal and Abilify before this. All of them caused me akithisia like symptoms and worsened my concentration and memory. Serdolect seems to make my concentration better. It allso seem to make my working-memory better.

hey, my psychiatrist won’t prescribe sertindole to me due cardiac side effects

what does your psychiatrist say about it ?

i found a local pharmacist with psychiatrist prescription who is willing to import cariprazine but the cost will be high, i don’t have enough cash to buy it right now

i suggest you look for a local pharmacist who is willing to import it legally

I’ll take Latuda over Seroquel and Saphris any day.

latuda and Haldol are working for me. besides the fact i’m still seeing and hearing things.