- Yes I do
- No I don’t
- Sometimes
- Unsure
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I don’t know if it’s my age (62) or what, but I have trouble making small talk with people. I just can’t think how to respond or what to say. I think it shows on this forum.
0 voters
I don’t know if it’s my age (62) or what, but I have trouble making small talk with people. I just can’t think how to respond or what to say. I think it shows on this forum.
I absolutely LOATHE small talk. I have to do it a lot.
It’s always troublesome finding the right thing to say. Often I say the wrong things or am quiet at the wrong times. I think people think I am rude because I am bad with small talk. It makes me sad. I do not want to seem rude.
I think I am bad with small talk because of social anxiety since mishaps most often happen with strangers or people I barely know.
I wish as a society we could just drop the act of small talk. It causes more confusion than anything else.
With me it seems like my mind just doesn’t work anymore. I don’t have social anxiety. I didn’t used to be like this before SzA.
I have real blockages very often… Its very painful, cause i am quite aware of it… My physical symptoms from my sz, also stop me from talking freely, i feel heaviness in my chest, sometimes headaches etc… Yeah, for me its the same, like my mind doesnt work or think properly anymore…
But i am often so low, even physically yeap, that i cant really talk, i dont enjoy it while i wish it was otherwise.
I wonder if the meds can help us on this? …
Take care
The Abilify doesn’t seem to be helping much, but it’s good for everything else I find. I don’t want to change meds again. It was hell getting the correct dose of Abilify.
SZ is a hell of a disorder that way. It messes with your cognitive functioning. I feel the damage it’s doing to the way a think too. It’s hard feeling like you’re losing basic ability to talk amongst all the other stuff it causes. I’m sorry you’re feeling it too:(
Thanks bittercat.
Yeah…Tbh, now that i think of it, i think this is a negative symptom… The meds dont help the negatives… I try now to change my talking with practicing it more until it gets fixed, but idk if this will happen really anymore… I never talked much, even as kid and this turned to be an illness .
Thanks Anna1. 15
yea i have trouble talking sometimes too… like comming up with what to say and to make the sentences… I find it really hard to keep a conversation going
I’m the same way and I hate it. I don’t have any friends because I never have anything to talk about. All I do is watch the news and sports and some TV shows with my dad. I lead a very boring life.
Lots of people hate small talk. You don’t need schizophrenia to be one of them.
Yea I have not got much to talk about or I feel too uncomfortable to feel free to just have fun.
Thanks @anon21849028 @StarCrazy @anon83141956.
You’re welcome.
I have an AAC for times when I do have more trouble.
what’s an AAC? 151515
Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Mine is an iPad app. You can press pictures and it speaks for you. You can organize the buttons to work with your mind.
ah that sounds interesting =)
They are big in the autism community. (I’m also autistic). I also got a different kind of one after I had a stroke.
The two I’m familiar with are Proloquo2Go and Verbally. Both are apps and are over $100USD.