I was at uni 2nd year and was smoking weed and me and my housemates thought of taking acid. The problem was that our dealer didnt have original qcid so he gave us some dangerous hallucigenic called 25-Nbome. After i took half a stamp i started to hallucinate a bit and a friend out of nowhere offered even more, so i was alright i take it. Soon i was hallucinating so much that everything turned out to be scary, nothing wqs even visible. Out of nowhere i started to feel really cold so I went to have a shower. I was showering for like 2 hours until water boiler ran out of water. I started hearing some helicopter noises and thought police was coming for me. I turned to be more paranoid thay i ever was in my life. Then i tried to put on some clothes in my room, but everything looked dirty and out of nowhere my friends barged intobmy room and everything went white and dont know what happened i just remember becoming conscious sitting on my bed and hallucinating just slightly. After that my sz started to develop and high pace.
Several bad acid trips triggered my schizophrenia. I figure I would have become schizophrenic even without the acid, but the acid hastened the process.
Mescaline triggered my SZA.
I never took drugs and I got sz. Its genetics for me.
Yeah - me too Buddy. Took way too much LSD in my youth. Its all weed and crack cocaine round here now. You simply cant get hold of it anymore.
Strangly enough tho - i dont regret it in the slightest. Ive had some experiences some people couldnt even dream of.
I didn’t start hallucinogens until after my first few psychotic breaks. I was already hearing voices before I ever touched the stuff.
That being said, I don’t think melting my brain did me any favors. It probably has made me worse off in some respects.
I actually think mine got triggered by emotions. I had just asked this girl I liked, out on a date and I was getting all kinds of emotions bubbling up inside. Was a really bad timing to get it. I certainly scared away the girl I was dating. We still talked after when I got better. But she told me she literally got scared of me although I didn’t get violent or anything like that, I just lost it.
I think I was still having issues with getting over a previous relationship even though it had been years since it broke off, and somehow emotions for this new girl made me lose it.
The thing that pissed me off about LSD was that after taking it several times, I was unable to smoke weed without hallucinating.
It ruined my weed smoking career at the age of 16. This is disappointing as I love weed, but I cannot smoke it anymore since I took acid.
If it had just been tabs, I think things would be different. We were taking the liquid on a sugar cube, and the doses were very high
I’m pretty sure you wouldve got schizophrenia anyways
I think fainting and hitting my head hard and st.johns wort triggered mine…
This guy at an NA meeting said that there was this guy at a nursing home where he worked that had done acid and thought he could fly. He jumped off a building and broke his neck, paralyzing him from the neck down. I might have done something like that if I had ever really tripped on acid. The only drug I do now is caffeine.
I believe circumstances made me get sz, and I don’t believe that I was predisposed. I believe that people can be born with it, but I don’t believe you can be predisposed.
a good pdoc I used to have told me I could trip a thousand times and not get schizophrenia…but…and there’s always a but…the drugs and acid do ascerbate the timing as to when you will get schizophrenia…I was relieved to hear this because I did a lot of acid growing up in high school…
I think, even if people didn’t do things that cause sz…. they still would have gotten schizophrenia. Without getting sz through circumstances. Why would people get schizophrenia without circumstances…if you are not born with it…it doesn’t make sense.
I had mental health issues in my teens, before I did any drugs like acid. It was just gonna happen for me it seems
Predisposition doesn’t make sense. It even seems irrational to me. It means you are destined to get sz through circumstances right? I know that they say, it is in your dna. Imagine if you didn’t suffer through circumstances. Then I think people would never get sz.
i dont think drugs triggered mine. I was already on my way there, and drugs just exasperated things.
If predisposition was in your dna, you probably would have gotten sz when you were born. Why then you have to suffer with circumstances to get sz, with being predisposed…at the same time.
Can anybody prove it, the predisposition is the truth? I’m just trying to elaborate.
if it was in your dna, why do you have to suffer through circumstances?