How did your parents used to dress you as a kid?

This one stood out to me. From the pics I was looking at tonight.

It’s an interesting look. :grin:


Little LittleMissSlothy.

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My mom went blind so let’s just say she didn’t care if the colours of my clothing clashed as it didn’t bother her.


I remember my favorite thing I wore as a kid was a leopard winter coat and hat I got in the first grade. I must have been 5 or 6. My mom got it at a department store downtown that is like Macy’s in US today. My best dress then was a purplish plaid dress with a white bib or whatever in the front with black buttons and trimmed with black velvet. It was the style that had a full skirt. had a white collar too.

This is the most similar.



Mostly I wore boy style clothes unless it was a formal occasion then my parents would ask me to put on a skirt or dress.

This was my more comfortable wear

I think I was a cute kid. A tomboy


I told my parents when I was 3 that I’d never wear a dress again in my whole life…that was the start of me being transgender, as I thought since I was “a boy” that I shouldn’t wear girls’ clothes. My parents weren’t very understanding since it was the 1970s but they let me be a tomboy anyway.

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When I was really young my mom and stepdad would buy me mostly casual, “blue collar” kinda clothes. I found out recently that I loved my poofy red vest when I was in kindergarden. :joy:

As I got older and obtained more of a sense of personal style I liked to dress more skater/urban type of clothes. Like really baggy jeans and shirts, Dickies etc.

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I really can’t remember my ordinary clothes. That’s cute. I just remember some things I liked. I remember around 3 years old wearing one of those pants sets, where the top has part of the pants pattern. I think the pants and top had cats on them.

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