My cousin buys really nice clothes. Then she gets tired of them. When I was skinnier I got her hand me downs. I loved it. This is as an adult though.
My most hated item of clothing was probably jumpers.
My mom made my sister and I all of our clothes until I became a junior in high school when I went to work and began earning money so I could buy my clothes. My mom made beautiful clothes. She was an expert seamstress. Thank you mom. I love you. May you rest in peace.
Plad pants it’s all that and more she said to me that’s what
I’ve hated my whole life wearing those yellow rainslickers in rainy season. Hated them; both the tops and bottoms. I hated rain boots too but at least they were a little fun stomping around in puddles without getting your feet wet.
I remember going through a really poor period in my life. I purchased this really lovely coat from the op shop and wore it everyday throughout winter. Little did everyone know I had absolutely nothing on underneath it as I couldn’t afford anything else lol. I looked classy on the outside though lol.
One more, just for @anon94176359. My Nana who lived in Scotland used to send us Christmas presents every year from Scotland. One year she sent these hats to my sister and I. They were like those old fighter pilot helmets with the flaps over the ears. They were bright red with a scarfe attached that you tied around your neck. It was so hideous I wanted to strangle myself with it.
A f rea king woolen skivvy / turtleneck. 70’s style and it’s 1987! Itchy all over, I cried. Mum thought I was beautiful.
Haha yes! I was about to post similar, i had some itchy monstrocity i had to wear that my late gran knitted, complete with attatched mittens.
Bloody awful it was. I looked like a proper mummy’s boy in it - and the other kids knew it, and didnt hesitate to take the piss outta me.
I hated jeans. My mum didn’t believe in fabric softener, so the clean ones were always really stiff and uncomfortable. But by the time they’d softened up, my mum always decided they needed a wash!
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