I was 14 at the time, a high school student in New Zealand, and believe it or not I was actually part of the cool crowd. (It wasn’t until moving to Oz that I quickly became very uncool).
It was school camp time and everyone had to participate in confidence building by riding on the flying fox. My turn came and somehow I got entangled in the seating arrangement and ended up hanging upside down as it went whizzing along the cable line. I was laughing so hard that I literally pissed myself laughing . Because I was hanging upside down the wee ran all down my front and up to my neck.
When I got to the end of the ride everyone burst out laughing at the wet state I was in. I was just so embarrassed in front of all my peers, including that ex high school crush of mine (the one I accidentally kicked in the gonads) that I thought I would never be able to live it down.
I have plenty of other embarrassing moments, do you have one that sticks in your mind?
I was 12 and in Sunday School. It was early, so it was just me and my handsome Male teacher. We were standing, and, all of a sudden, my half slip slid down to my ankles. I grabbed the slip, went to the restroom to put it on, again, and, to this day, neither of us have mentioned it lolol
Uh, I skipped 8th grade and went directly into high school from seventh grade at age 13. I was painfully shy and withdrawn and I left my few friends back in middle school. When I became a freshman I recognized a lot of the other freshman from my school but they were a year older and I didn’t know them.
My first period class was anthropology. Some people were teasing me there, I just tried to ignore it by withdrawing and pretty much cut myself off from everybody for the following four years. This was a small incident but I think it was so embarrassing (to me) that even the people who picked on me were embarrassed for me.
I wanted zero attention in class, I didn’t want to talk or look at anybody or have anyone look at me but one morning the teacher made me get up to open some windows. A lot of people had to look at me and there was this huge globe of the world sitting on a table and I accidentally hit it and it crashed to the ground and went bouncing down an aisle and the whole class just stared at me. I was mortified. Time stood still and I just stood there frozen. Finally I picked up the globe and slunk to my seat not looking at anyone. I still think about it now and then. I have plenty of funny embarrassing stories but for pure embarrassment and humiliation that was a big one.
I was taking a summer school class in college and was late for class, pumping as hard as I could on my ten speed bicycle I made it about five minutes late for class but I couldn’t go in yet because I was drenched in sweat so I went in the man’s bathroom to clean up and there weren’t any paper towels there but just a bunch of old newspapers…not knowing what I was about to do, I dried my face and neck off with the newspapers and went to class…as soon as I walked in the professor and class laughed…he said, “what is that ■■■■ all over your face??” haha I didn’t answer but realized at that moment that the newspapers rubbed off on my face…haha
It reminds me of an article I read about all these women going to the Doctor in the Uk complaining of vaginal infections and soreness not unlike an STD. It turns out it was due to their husbands reading the newspaper in bed and not washing their hands. lol.
I’ve told this story before but when I was waiting to be evaluated to see if I would be hospitalized I was in a room with about 8 or 9 other people. There was this really hard looking Mexican woman in there with a nice body wearing tight jeans. I kept sneaking glances at her checking her out and I thought she didn’t notice but then she turned to me and said, “If you don’t stop looking at me I’m going to punch you in your fat nose.” End of glancing.
My skirt got caught in my underwear at work and I didn’t know it. A coworker told me when I was on lunch. So I’d been walking around like that for hours.