"You have your whole life ahead of you."

That statement is true but I feel like I already died.

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I feel like I won’t live long. If I die, I just go back in time. I’m tired of it. Been going on for eternity. Everything resets back to 2013 for me. Like time and universe never changes before 2013 for me. Not sure why. Want to escape it. Have a different better life. No one understands me. I de age back to 24.

I figure you shouldn’t be attached to worldly desires or agendas. Pursue them at a professional distance, but don’t let them own you. God might make you do a do-over.

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I never thought about my life. It was always push come to shove. I felt so unwanted and unloved.

Ya. I feel like death constantly hangs over me. I get paranoid. I believe in God. There are do overs for me, but I can only changes after 2013. The longer I am here, the more I notice changes. It doesn’t make sense. I dont know what is happening to me or why I’m so special. Even though I am 30, I’ve been alive for only 6 years. Maybe 8-9 years. Its been hell. I’ve escaped before. I figure being a good person will help me in the long run. I figure I’m in he’ll sometimes. The mental hospital or what I thought was the mental hospital really affected me. The deep state/shadow government is psychopathic and evil.

It’s mainly my memories and thoughts that bother me. If I didn’t have this stuff, or my consciousness or subconsciousness wasn’t so affected, I could live my life and function. I probably would be healed and not even be disabled or schizophrenic.

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Figure out how to love yourself. That is the foundation of living.

Once you have that, your cup will run over, and you’ll have a lot more of yourself to give.


I am sorry you feel that way… i don’t want know what to say … form experience when i get like that i tell myself i have seen better times and it does get better.


Don’t think too hard about the deep state, save that for the professional demagogues and politicians fighting for liberty. You need to free your mind to function and heal.

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To paraphrase John Lennon…

“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”


Lol…I suspect that sometimes too
I hope you’re wrong
I’m in my late forties but feel like it’s been four hundred years since I was a wee child
childhood so long ago it may’ve even been a different dimension.

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I never understood that logic
but I later found out the reason I didn’t understand it
is because I didn’t know what it was like to not love yourself
I thought that not loving one’s self would be impossible
but then I started taking notice of some people and how critical they were about their imperfections and mistakes.

I realized people were saying ‘if you’re so critical of yourself how would it be possible to not be even more judgmental of others.’ ( “Love is demanding without understanding.” )

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Don’t freak out - philosophers 400 years B.C. were experiencing the same synchronicity that you and I do.

They’re happening to most people it’s just that a few of us actually care enough to take more notice of our mind activity, activity around us and question it further than just ‘the brain farting.’

It’s like how a lot of people never remember their dreams yet there are a few of us so lucid that we often find ourselves in rage crying out “Who is responsible for this?!” during our nightmares.

If it doesn’t bother you too much to watch the late 80’s film ‘Communion’ it touched on a man so aware he intentionally went to bed each night attempting to communicate to the other side.

Hint - it’s not a film about aliens.

Same here. What’s your theory and reasoning why besides ‘other dimension’? What was your experience like? Does it have any science behind it?

I’m sort of like coming back alive in the year 2013. Age-regressed back to 23 years old or so. Back to the year 2013. I can move between other realities or parallel universes. Been to the future and back many times and outside the matrix. I figure I’m going to different timelines or worldlines. Same laws of physics but events change accounting to many worlds theory of quantum mechanics. I want it to stop. It’s like my mind is doing the time traveling and back into my younger schizophrenic body. Reality is weird since everything repeats the same perfectly from the big bang to the year 2013. Nothing changes at all like it’s set in stone. Deterministic to the core with no free will. Down to the atom or string.

Things start to shift or change for me after 2013. It becomes noticeable after 2016. I figure I’m in an alien simulation but I believe in God. I was told the Illuminati is trapping me into this timeline on a loop. I was in the Montauk Project. Could be both groups.

I could go on, but you get the point.

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Concerning memory of time or the notion I’ve been living longer than my age

I remember when I first panicked it was back in 97 and I woke up one morning exponentially smarter than I was when I went to bed the evening before.
I started finding meaning in a lot of things (and not just my personal associated meaning, I confirmed those understandings afterwards)
Like Stairway to Heaven never made any sense to me but that morning I somehow instantly knew it was addressing the metaphysical theory that marijuana produces a stronger connection to ‘god’
I knew that ‘Talking Heads’ wasn’t a reference to strawmen serving only as image for the true politicians but rather it was addressing telepathy; ironically the album I was staring at when I made this connection was titled ‘Stop Making Sense.’
I had not previous studies in quantum or meta physics so I was under the impression that I had somehow began channeling from some external disembodied mind.


Then I wondered, what if I lived right up to my sixties, died, lost memory but retained knowledge of what I had learned and then reentered my body back in 97 with that new information.

In such a scenario you would have a diorama mostly comprised of automatons, almost like a Disney exhibit. As you pass certain check points during our time frame we get shift from diorama to diorama progressing onwards into old age. We might get to a point where in we ‘fail’, like failing in a video game and having to start from a previous save point.
In games each proceeding play through is going to be easier because you’ll have more experience and know, at least in subliminal memory, what to expect.
Also there may be long periods of down time before the diorama is fired back up again and we get reintroduced to pick up from our last checkpoint.
If such then this is either some strange game which we won’t be allowed to finish until we make it to a goal age and die of natural causes the only mercy being that we get better at the game because of retaining knowledge even if not memory.
We might be doing this to ourselves as some form of experiment; living a completely different life outside the diorama that we forget when resubmerged again.

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Makes sense ty. The game could be restarting or edited or saved/backed up to where and when we respawn. For me, it’s more like the movie butterfly effect than groundhog day.

My psychiatric nurse used to say this to me. I’m not sure I believe it anymore. I feel like my whole life was when I was before I had psychosis :confused:

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But I think we often idealize our pre-psychosis lives. We really weren’t that great.


At 60, I feel like my whole life is behind me. You must feel like that too @PinCushion. But, realistically, I might have another 20 or so good years left. It’s up to me what I’ll do with those years.


I’m left with the feeling that I haven’t accomplished much and wish I could.


What sort of things would you want to accomplish?