"You have your whole life ahead of you."

Having a more loving nature. I’ve improved that but could do a lot more. I want to teach things I know but I have to be a relaxed teacher if I want to be heard. So, I want to relax and not be easily shaken.
How does the song go - the players are going to play, the haters are going to hate and the rest are going to shake.

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I was thinking about this some more
I think you said you also were concerned with going to sleep because of the dreaming

Since the pandemic, when I have a good sleep, I have noticed my dreams are like multiple simultaneous existences in various dimensions…running from one dimension where my life is falling apart only to awaken into another strange dimension although during the time I am in the alternate dimension it feels perfectly normal as if I had been there my whole life…almost like I am possessing and adopting the memories of another person who is existing in one of many different shoddy prototypes of this Earth.

If such is the case our memory of time may also be accounting for time spent in those other dimensions collectively.

But I do remember that movie Butterfly Effect and this all could be a ‘Repeat it Until You Complete It’ kind of situation.


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