Yes I want a dog. No one thinks I am responsible enough

Yesterday I talked to my aunt about the prospect of getting a dog. She gave a snarky comment. “Your mum has a lot on her plate”. I let peoples opinions get to me. It makes me doubt myself. If I am honest, I am not financially able to afford a dog all on my own, my parter has agreed to help with that. He wants the dog just as much as me, he’s the one who suggested it in the first place. We have been together 7 years so I think I am in a stable enough relationship. I don’t drive, he’s gonna have to take us to the vet etc.


Who is going to watch the dog in the daytime? I don’t think it’s good for dogs to be all day alone at home.


He works from home… 99% of the time. So when I get a dog when we are together someone will ALWAYS be home.


That’s great. If he can watch and pay for it, I don’t see why not.


I’m not giving him the full burden of paying, I just can’t afford it 100%.


I will only agree to support your decision if you agree to name him ‘Bowens’ if hes male and "Bowenita’ if shes female.

These are my demands. Consider my offer carefully.


You don’t work and are on disability. He really wants a dog as well. He can pay for it (my humble opinion).

You’re not earning equally so it’s not fair for you to carry 50% of the weight.


Are you looking for a puppy or a rescue dog?


We are keeping our options open right now but I haven’t actually looked cos we haven’t moved in together yet

well go ahead and get moved in and get settled before you get a puppy…dogs don’t do well moving.

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I can’t work from home because the dogs bark and that’s very distracting, especially if you have to take phone calls.

You won’t know if your dog barks a lot until it’s comfortable in your home.

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If you get a barker, you can train them to reduce their barking or stop it altogether.

They are very emotional and intelligent

They bark for excitement, anxiety, stress, fear or attention


Well, my dogs don’t get along and bark at each other. One is elderly, the other is a large puppy who won’t leave my senior dog alone, hence the barking.


That’s not at all fair to your senior dog, @LilyoftheValley.


My cat doesn’t think I am responsible enough to own a cat. I get judged often and hard.


I want either a dog, a cat, or a ferret. But I know that I’m not responsible enough for any of them. Besides, none of them appreciate being hugged, kissed and squeezed at any rate. Alas!


Dogs are a lifetime commitment. They can live quite a long time and our circumstances sometimes change and it doesn’t fit with the dog.

For example. My dog now stays with my mother a lot because she tries to bite my son when he plays a bit too rough and I can’t risk her biting him. Not just for him but for her too.

So even though when I got her I was living alone and thought I always would be…my circumstances changed.

It’s a big thing. My cousin is having to re home his dog because since his partner had a baby she has been growling at her.

It’s slot to take into consideration. My advice honestly would be not too


I agree but as someone who has zero plans to have kids , we really do want a dog. But it’s gonna be a couple of years before we do anyway.


dont discount how they can help you too.

its a two way relationship

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My parents did not want me to get my dog

They admit they were wrong

It’s nice for them too to have him around as he’s a real character

He has helped me more than I ever thought possible

I give him a good life