Work rant 15

Just need to rant and feel like I’m being heard. Sorry if this is annoying.

I work at an assisted living place and do mainly bath aide shifts. So I’m getting residents dressed, do their laundry, housekeeping, helping them with showers, and essentially any other physical cares. I also do some meds here and there. At my workplace you work every other weekend and on my weekend to work it’s incredibly stressful because we are always understaffed. The other weekend has two extra people plus the normal weekend shifts are full. My coworkers and I have voiced this to managers and nothing has been changed.

Recently a coworker messed her ankle up really bad. They are still having her work but she can only do a small portion of the housekeeping. Management and scheduling decided to combine two shifts together on the weekend that the hurt coworker works. Which is my weekend. These two shifts are both bath aide shifts and they happen at the same time. One is 6AM- 2:30PM the other is 6:30AM-2:30PM. So now I have to work two shifts at once, in the same amount of time as one shift on a weekend that is already understaffed.

This morning I got told by management that they dont understand why me and my coworkers struggle so much on the weekends, that there’s no reason for us to be saying that it’s bad, that the other weekend is just fine, that the combined shift isnt bad because its ‘just housekeeping’ (which is very much not true) They got rid of most showers on the weekend but theres still all the other cares you have to do. It’s just frustrating because we are all trying our best and working hard to stay caught up on the weekends and it’s not working just to be told that theres no reason for us to be struggling like we are.


Just letting you know I read it. Sorry youre having problems.

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Thank you for listening/reading. I really do appreciate it.

I’m sorry. Some managers just suck, and there is nothing to be done about it. I feel your pain. Feel free to keep venting. I wish I had a solution for you,but if you have already explained the problem and gotten ignored, I don’t know what else can be done. Have you spoken with the scheduler yet?

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Welp, I’m sorry for taking 8 days to see this. I am going to talk to the scheduler. I have to talk to her about some other things too. I hope it goes well and that I dont back out cause I’m not very good at talking to people.

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I suggest putting your thoughts in writing,maybe an email or something. That way you have a paper trail to prove you went through the proper channels to try and resolve the issue.

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I think that would be a very good idea. Then I would have time to gather my thoughts and I can proofread, make sure it’s all coherent and understandable. Plus i dont have to deal with the anxiety of face to face. Unless they want to talk to me after. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.


The manager has a supervisor, right?

@NeoPolitan02 slightly off topic here. But did you hear back from the tape dress competition? I think you should have won! :trophy:

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It’s weird because we have our scheduler who is sort of like our manager and is also a nurse. She handles scheduling and RTasks. Which is what we use to essentially divy up the different cares that are needed to be done in an assisted living home. Then theres the building manager and shes also sort of our manager too. Shes not a nurse but she handles resident complaints and anything to do with the building and rent and resident insurance and stuff like that. I think building manager could be considered supervisor. Its confusing cause theres essentially two higher ups that run everything. And that’s building manager and the scheduler.


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