I’m just miserable at my current job. Its not even the job it’s the management. We’ve had housekeepers complain about their workload. Not because it’s too much but because they’re lazy. Multiple people can verify this that their workload isn’t that bad. Management decided to lighten their load and add housekeepings to nurse aides like me who already have a lot of work. I hardly got out of work on time before this.
They didn’t ask anybody and they didn’t tell anybody that they were doing this. They just started switching lists so that I showed up to work one day and found out I have a crazy amount of extra work to do. The past about 2 weeks I have gotten out about 2 hours late every single day.
They don’t tell us when a thing changes they don’t even tell us when we get a new resident. Their services just suddenly pop up on our list. They make changes without consulting the people who actually have to try to make the changes work.
I just feel bad because I told them I’d be here through the summer until school starts. Plus I just got a pay raise and I feel like I’d just be wasting it.
I have this far but I can feel my moods getting worse and my stress getting worse. I’m exhausted and tired all the time. Could I keep going, probably. Should l? I dunno. I know the answer is that I probably shouldn’t but I feel like I’d just be running away.
I can relate. Only you can decide though.
Do your best to manage stress atm like have warm showers after a shift and drink tea, make lifestyle changes that might help you for the time being.
Man, it’s frustrating when you have an unmanageable workload. Trying to send some good vibes your way. Hope you’re able to resolve this without quitting.
I had a job where I had an insane workload because my coworkers refused to do anything but schedule office visits and occasionally answer phones. I ended up quitting because of how my coworkers treated me in addition to the heavy workload. Plus the Navy SEALs were coming into my work and I had to get away from them. So yeah, too much stress can be a hard thing to deal with. I don’t know your tolerance compared to mine
We have a certain amount of vacation days. And sick days. It depends on the week. My pay check is biweekly and I’ll work usually anywhere from about 80-90 hours a week but I’ve worked about 116 hours in two weeks before. I forgot my hours for the last pay period.
This might be the major problem. Everyone, even NT folks, feel burnt out and exhausted when working more than 40 hours a week. Could you reduce your hours without needing to quit? You might find your job more manageable when you aren’t working double full time hours.
Full time work is still very strenuous for some, especially given that this is your first real job and that you are preparing for college. Unless you are relying on them for insurance, you should be fine to cut back to like 30 a week and see if that makes things more manageable.
Oh ok then. Whew. 40-50 hours a week sounds more doable but still a lot for someone diagnosed with a mental illness. You know yourself best. If you need the money or the experience, keep showing up for work. Otherwise it’s not worth it. And Autumn is a long way off from now. You don’t want to be burned out completely when school starts.