Why is life so fricking hard?

Do you ever feel like you’re a hamster in a cage running on a wheel going nowhere? You get irritated at someone and immediately are asked if you’re taking your meds…like I’m an idiot…of course I do! It’s getting sickening!


It’s so condescending when people ask if I’ve taken my meds in situations like that. Like, ■■■■ you. I’m allowed to have emotions the same as you are!


I have the opposite problem; I get told to stop taking my meds so I can be normal and live a normal life.


Yes, I understand what you mean. Life is an aimless event. But what does it matter. When you can just do the things you want to do and enjoy a bit.

Does not matter if it is not that much. take what you can pack. ■■■■ the paranoia.

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Because my wife is now an invalid and I’m taking care of her and myself and because I’m a guy that wouldn’t divorce her for that reason.


Life for me is pretty much about survival at this point. All noble ideas about living up to society’s ideals are gone.


we are hamster in a wheel only our wheel is the earth that is spinning each day and the cage is this galaxy with the rest of the universe outside.


Or are we living in a simulation?


Yes. I came across this quote and I like it cos I can relate :

‘Life is like a dark tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel but if you just keep moving you will come to a better place’


I was notified this week that i am being taken of my MediCal insurance because i made a little over 30 thousand last year, now i have to purchase my medicine which costs $1100 a month? How do they think that i am supposed to survive? I am not getting Free Housing and i can’t work more while getting free medication, how they hell am i supposed survive in this country and rent some place and purchase food for $1300/month?


Yeah, that one really bugs me. My mom used to do that.

Life is what it is. Sometimes you get up in the morning and you are the pigeon, other times you get up in the morning and you are the statue. You may be worse off than a lot of people but a lot of people are worse off than you.

Hang on, I have a few other cliches to drag out. “No one said it would be easy.” “There’s no guarantees in life.” “Life gets hard for everyone at some point in their lives.” “Everybody needs help at some point in their life.”


Yeah, my day just keeps getting worse. I don’t know how much more I can handle or even want to try and bother with. The pain is so overwhelming that I can hardly breathe


That’s so unfair. Is there a way you can appeal it?


Oh how I hate that one. The workers at the group home I lived in used to look at me when I had a bad day and say “We all have bad days sometimes
YEAH LIKE THAT HELPS :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m so sorry that sux. I just was upset cuz my husband was flirting with another woman and said he wished I had more of a woman’s body like hers especially boobs. He’s mentioned this a few times before. It hurts.


I had a mini meltdown and of course was meds “fault”


Even my bf asked me if I had taken my meds because I had an emotional outburst. Yes, I took them! I’m just upset! Why can’t I just be upset about something one time?


It’s all relative really. While one can think he/she has a hard life in New York, someone might be in Africa right now, without medication and food.


Life is ups and downs. If I’m having an especially hard day I try to do something nice for myself. Hobbies and interests make it more appealing for me.


My wife asks me if I took my meds all the time. She thinks I am ‘off’ all the time but it’s just normal for me.

But sometimes I do forget though and I tell her about it so I guess that gives her the green light to ask.