Why is life so fricking hard?

You have a lot of character. You’re a class act.


I saw this ad that had a picture of the emaciated arm of a child. It said, “So you hate your life. Many people dream of having your life.”


Talk to your provider. They may be able to get you free samples. Also see if the drug manufacturer has any scholarships or grants for people in situations like yours.

Check out if something like this:


can help you.

Also see if there is any less expensive medication that might work for you.

I’m so sorry, though. This sucks. I hope you find some kind of solution.


I hate how I’m always expected to act a certain way and if I have a bad day? Meds. I’m too happy? Meds. Bad hallucination day? Meds. PTSD triggered? Meds. Anxious cause of something most people would be anxious about? Meds. A little paranoid? Meds. My alters took over and did something stupid? Meds. My alters took over and did nothing interesting? Meds. My alters took over and did something useful/helpful? Meds.

I just wish sometimes people could occasionally say “that sucks I’m sorry bro” without discounting all of my problems as just a “if you we’re medicated this wouldn’t be a problem” thing.


Thanks for all your responses :hugs:

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You don’t know where I’ve come from…I’ve frickin been to hell and back. I am just now getting y ■■■■ together…this was just icing on the cake. If I slit my wrists tonight…not one tear will be shed. Yes my psychiatrist knows

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Idk! I’m just another ■■■■■■■■■■■■ who just wants to live but I guess I don’t get that much.

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It’s called I’m sick and can only be on certain meds cuz of long qts. It makes drs scared to death to perscribe anything or pu me inhospitable

Yeah someone just did that today to me actually lol

I asked him if they were a doctor and knew when I should take my meds. Maybe they thought they could read minds? And if that’s not the case then they should go ■■■■ themselves.

Attacking someone’s mental illness is a last resort when someone is desperate. Like when someone says the n-word. They can’t think of anything else.


Why like a hamster on a wheel . The monotony of life only changes when you do. You are the change.

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Nope shitty things happen to me no matter what I do. I think I’ve escaped and something else happens. At this point I say to the world! ■■■■■■ bring it on because it ALWAYS does

I know @anon98519533, why is life so difficult, today my stomach was hurting, I never had this before. And my thoughts have become worse when I’m stressed out. I pray for everyone to be at peace.

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This is currently me:


Early on my mom would do this to me all the time. A lot of the time it was me responding to her getting testy with me in the first place!


No one asked the innocent 50,000 Iraq civilians killed as a direct result of George Bush’s actions if they thought life was fair or if they were having a nice day or how they were feeling that night.

LIFE: it is what it is.


It would help me.


I have abandonment issues and ptsd…paranoia is real for me

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It didn’t help me.
It just made me feel like they were minimizing my problems, and it made me feel bad for talking about them in the first place.

But I can see why they did it, though.

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Life used to be easy for me, especially at community college…now life is excruciatingly hard.

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