Why is it hard to be nice and empathetic

Its hard. I feel like I am rude somtimes but I used to be much worse off meds


I think you’re doing just fine. If not overly critical of yourself. You’re a good guy. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You are a valued member of the forum. We like you here.


Yeah i appreciate seeing you around here too Aziz

I also notice that i became more terse and snappy with my speech and less polite since first experiencing psychotic symptoms a few months ago - my case manager thought it was anger but she didnt really understand, it was more impatience and tiredness than anger

i think for me, some of it is more impatience with not being able to remember as many words to make things sound extra polite (i would have to add “i would like that…” and so on).

and besides that sometimes i have short periods where i don’t speak in full sentences and i have some trouble understanding others at certain periods (like when people speak, i can’t focus on what they’re saying past 1-2 sentences and then i hear 1 in 5 words as sounds and not words)

Plus besides cognitives, negatives can make it hard to feel engaged with other people when theyre talking about what happened in their day


You have kindness. When I felt sad, I remember you kindly asking about that. That is nice and empathetic. You are worthwhile to have here.


im not sure but according to google " Dopamine restrains prolactin production" and prolactin is important in crying and i think other emotions.


My aunt is in the hospital, my mom keep telling me to call her but I don’t want to. This aunt kept bringing me food when I was alone, she called everyday to checkup on me


Just ring her dude…


You want a hug bro???


if u cant call u could send a text. or getbher a card and write something nice and get her somethting and send it with a family member to give it to her.


You are kind. You have been kind to me several times… send her a text . Wishing her a speedy recovery


I think you might be going through a rough decade. But your next decades could be better!

Like @anon63380492 @irrelevant said, just write your aunt a card of send her a text.


I think I have issues being empathetic because I’m so wrapped up in my own thoughts, completely self absorbed.

Anxiety made me emotionally unintelligent. So there’s that also.

When I was younger I struggled with being egocentric.

I was too immature for my age. I blame nobody but myself for that.

I wish I had better role models when growing up. I was lost.


What keeps you from it? Think you should call or send a personal card. You’ll feel better about yourself too.

Just put it on top of your to do list tomorrow.

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My mom called her and told her I want to speak to her, I talked to her for a bit.


Great! 15151515 :slight_smile:

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