Yesterday I made a thread (Which is deleted now) in which I may have caused people to be triggered. I’m truly sorry for what I said in the post and I apologize if it made anyone feel bad. It wasn’t my intention to cause any harm, really. There were four responses to that thread and I don’t know what they said or who said them, but thank you for replying.
I’m going to ask the same questions as I did in the last post, but in a more “humane” way. (As I’m in a bad state right now and need a bit of advice-if you don’t mind that is).
I’m feeling so depressed, badly, as in can’t do much, function-wise, at all. Can’t shake it off. Just lay there and partake in some self-destructive behaviors. Anti-depressants help me, totally, I mean high-functioning. But my doctor won’t prescribe me anti-depressants because I’ll feel too good. I think that’s madness! What can I do about this?
Also, I have no appetite. I haven’t eaten in two days and I’m not interested in eating in the future either. Is this part of the depression, or is it the meds? I’m on Geodon, Seroquel, Neurotin, and Depokote. (If that matters).
And again, I’m wondering if I should take these meds at all, I mean they don’t help my depression or anxiety, thoughts, or voices. I’m on a court order to take these meds, is there anyway around not taking them? Because I’m done, full stop.
My case manager rings my doorbell everyday and I ignore her. Should I let her in and tell her all of this? Because I’m afraid if I do, she’ll try to put me in the hospital. Do you think she would? I’m not sure.
And now… I hope no one finds this post offensive, and I’m sorry that I have so many questions.
Sorry about yesterday, please forgive me, I hope you will.
Thank you for any input!
Take care!