Why is dating and finding friends so friggin hard?

i actually think a lot of people struggle with meeting someone new these days. I blame technology. even though were more connected, it makes real life connections way tougher.

my brother gave up on the online dating, he has been single for 6 years now since his longterm relation.

my girlfriend said her friend today said she cant find a good man and isnt sure if she will ever meet someone (the giving up because its hard to meet people thing seems to be common). she tried online dating too.

so i think its just tougher these days.

i joined a mountain bike facebook group for meetups a little while ago, most people were so flakey, never commiting to meetups or just never riding again after so Im just gonna stick to my usual crew.

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my girlfriend messaged me first on plentyoffish. I had a tagline that said “Im a ninja but I havent mastered the snooze button yet” lol.
so she sent a message “What kind of ninja cant even master a snooze button?”

So I laughed and messaged her back, and then we met up a few days later. been together for 5 years!

So you can do it man, I had a profile on there for a long time before that happened.


I have just put off all my quotes I had to do today

Not happy at all.

Why must weekends be so hard for me to deal with

Don’t want to call the mental health line as they record everything and I could get into trouble,.

Why the ■■■■ do I not have the right to die.

Hang in there. The Covid19 vaccine has just started, and things will get back to normal eventually. I have spells of thinking death would be a blessing on me too. I’m in pain all the time due to my arthritis. You are young still and have many years left to go. Things will get better.

I am thinking about ‘disappearing’

There is no way I can continue living like everything is fine.

The working week, the non-working weekend. The times to sleep. Life affairs.

Had enough of it all. I’d rather be homeless again

It’s just not good enough. I have had enough of all this.

The only time I can really feel better is when I am working. But then when I have things planned at weekends, I don’t want to do anything.

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I hear you. Stay strong brother. I wish I had some magical advice but I struggle with relationships too, so my opinion ain’t worthy.

Your doing really well, I couldn’t dream of the responsibility of working for myself, like you do.

It’s not the greatest time of year for people like us anyway. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

I wish you peace x

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Hey dude. I am sorry you have been having such rotten luck with dating apps. It’s only been a week since you came out, though. The entire time I had my dating profile, all four years, I got some messages, but only like 4 dates. Luckily, the last of those was Mr. Star. I spent a long lonely time thinking I was cursed, though. You do need a picture of yourself. It’s a bit a vanity thing, but also a safety thing in LGBT dating sites. Too often, profiles with no picture are trap profiles. As in, a homophobe will make the profile, ask to meet, and then beat up the guy they meet. Or else ask for photos and use them to publicly expose the person as gay. Gay men won’t go for a profile with zero pictures.


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