Once I started having mental health issues

All my friends stopped calling me and didn’t want anything to do with me. It’s like they were embarrassed to be friends with me because I started getting paranoid and anxious. Now I have no real life friends. Only you guys on here. I appreciate everyone who interacts with me. Makes me feel less lonely.

Anyone else get ghosted by former friends when you started having mental health issues?


I got ghosted by a lot of friends when I came out as lgbt. It really sucks when people act like they care about you but then just drop you like a rock the second they find out you’re different from them.


I lost a texting buddy after making promises that I’d go to the cafe with him at some point, but it never panned out since my head was hurting too much to go out, chronically. I guess he just “fell out of friendship” with me.

I thought the headache would get better sooner than it did.

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When my issues became pronounced, friends ran like rats on a sinkng ship. The ones that stayed are my tribe. I love them muchly and bigly.


I lost a lot but my friends were there for me when I needed them after recovery…they even visited me in the hospital. I still have the college friends I bonded with back then…sorry you lost your friends…I consider you my friend.


Sorry to hear you guys have gone through similar experiences. Thanks for the replies.

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I kinda dodge my irl friends atm which is two of them then there’s some mi grp people who I also dodge. I’m just feeling too low to be around them. I’m scared they’ll lose interest in me cos I’m so depressed if we meet up regularly or I’ll pretend to act really energetic wen I’m not which is bloody exhausting!!

Sorry you lost contact with friends. Hope you make new irl ones who truly care.

You’re a nice guy you deserve good irl friends

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Yup, about 8 years ago. It gets better @TheCanuk , dont sweat it.

It’s hard to go through but you’ll come out a stronger person after this.

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Thanks for the positive words @Mr.Dre and @anon90843118


I cant say I was ghosted so much. I had to move away from where I was living when this happened and I didnt contact people. I’ve had problems making friends ever since. I dont always feel well and believe that ability is impaired. Sorry that happened to you.

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I lost a lot of friends after I had my first psychotic break. I blame it on the 2 months in the hospital and the year or so it took to be semi-recovered. During that year I had basically only contact with close family. It was the period where high school ended and college was just beginning, but I never had that post highschool summer to say “goodbye” before everyone was going to college.


Yes. I didn’t have so many friends, but I lost them because of schizophrenia. And it’s really dificult for me to make new friends, because if I decide to tell them about my diagnosis, I loose them and if I decide not to tell them, then I have to be all the time telling lies about my life. And we know what happens when someone is lying all the time: sooner or later they discover the truth.


No, I was not ghosted by anyone.
I had good friends before onset, and I had the same persons after onset


Lies…well we have to make up things a little bit but everyone do that :blush: i have real friends but i have to make up my problems with some of them and with others i can be more real.


Luckily my friends have stood by my side. Most of them struggle with their mental health too and we all try to support each other.


I’m sorry you lost your friends. I lost friends after they found out something else about me. It really hurt. I do have new friends but only one knows my sz diagnosis. I don’t tell the others. They would definitely take off if they knew based on comments they’ve said.

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