Who takes opioid or oxycodone or Percocet wid their antipsychotic …I want to know because there is serious interaction but what if u really need it
Oxycodone is going to cause major withdrawals in the future. It’s none of my business but have you already been taking oxycodone for awhile now?
I took norcos with my aps for a long time. If your Doctor prescribed it then it’s ok.
DONT MIX THESE. @Jayster’s wife was prescribed both and is now on the list for a lung transplant because of the serious respiratory damage
Using narcotic pain or cough medications together with other medications that also cause central nervous system depressioncan lead to serious side effects including respiratory distress, coma, and even death.
Statistically, oxycodone doesn’t work long term for pain management anyways, and actually worsens pain over time.
You mean to say don’t mix antipsychotic with painkillers or just don’t mix pain killers ? Did jayster wife mix two painkillers ?
Any antipsychotic with any opioid painkiller can kill you.
Some opiods affect serotonine levels,especially tramadol, oxycodone, and methadone and these are to be avoided, especially with an AD (lethal) but also AP
“Natural” opiates like morphine, codeine, and opium have close to zero affect on transmission of serotonin.
AP’s and opioids as well as opiates enhance the drowsy feeling of AP’s and are potentially very dangerous.especially if youre on a high dose of, let’s says zyprexa or similar.
That said - im not proud to admit - ive mixed opiates and a low dose of abilify with a prescription opiate, it didn’t help with the pain, and for a period i was an addict… but im still alive and now free from opiates
So can you take opiates with antipsychotic safely even though addictive …how many years did u take an prescription opiate and which one was it ?
Here’s a link that should help you with your question.
That’s a strong accusation and based on nothing. Please don’t do that.
Mrs. Jayster was in considerable pain after five spinal fusions to try to lessen pain. The doctors she saw were eager to give her opioids for pain relief.
For years we were both on fairly high dosages of Antipsychotics.
For years, we were also both heavy smokers with progressing COPD.
Almost six years ago I went Nicotine free. Mrs. Jayster did not like the person I became the first two years while getting off Nicotine. She even asked me to go back to smoking, but this time for only a half pack a day, not what I had been smoking.
Almost four years ago, she caught pneumonia and was hospitalized. Consequenly she is stopped smoking for nearly four years now.
She is embarrassed to wear O2 everywhere we go. It is awkward. And her dependency on O2 has been increasing.
Actually, our pulminologist refered us to the lung transplant people, with whom we have worked closely for the last many months getting ready to be listed for lung transplant. We have not actually gotten “listed”.
Her lung disease has taken a turn for the better at the same time she has gotten off opioids.
@Ninjastar has suggested to me that these things are all related. It is good of ninjastar to try to help us.
Thank you for explaining more @Jayster. It’s good that you’re willing to share your experience to warn others.
No you can’t, if you dont consult your doctor and have a talk with him before and only if you suffer from severe pain. It’s dangeros and i was stupid.
I personally am asking because what if I need s strong painkiller and we are already taking antipsychotic …some people have migraines with schizo or fractures how can we take prescription painkillers and which one?
Okay, i thought you ment recreational use. If a doctor, and i’m definitely not a doctor, knows about your meds and interactions, you can have a painkiller, but it’s too complicated to give a good advice in this forum about which painkiller, there a lot of differences between them.
Tylenol and ibuprofen.
I take tramadol and perphenazine. The risks are worth it to me.
I take Celebrex every night.
Must admit im a bit confused here. Im on Ap’s with a jab too - and the chemist that dispenses them, has no problem giving me disolveable Sophadine (paracetomal, codeine and caffiene) for my bad back off the counter.
They just tell me not to use it for more than 3 days.